Originally written on on January 20, 2010 at 1:02 AM
In 2008, I got a chance to crossed way with YWAM Perth. It was an exciting experience, a moment when a dream came true.
They were in my city as part of their mega cities program. It was an awesome chance to learn a different culture, build some friendship and also knowing God in a different way.
The encounter led me to have a decision to give up my life for mission as I always have the passion for it. I’ve been looking for a chance to join a mission organization and hoping to learn more about the life of a missionary. At first, I decided to join YWAM Perth since it was the only mission organization that I closely encounter and even had a chance to be a part of. I was applying for their compassion dts in January 2009 but then I had to hold it off. Still trying for another chance I asked if I can defer the application for the megacities dts in October 2009, so I might have time to pray more. Then I prayed and prayed and still had not found the peace until the due date of the megacities dts commencement, so I finally decided not to go at all. It was a hard struggle. I wanted to go so bad, I had prepared for everything I would needed but deep down inside, I know I didn’t felt the peace to join YWAM Perth at that moment and I know that it’s better not to go if I didn’t feel like it’s His time.
I almost quit and put the passion away but God is not giving up on me. Every time I’m thinking of quitting, He always gives me another encouragement in many ways, from a sermon, from a message, from an article, from a random blog while I’m browsing on the net, from a verse, from a chance, from a friend, from anything that He can use to rekindle the passion again. Sometimes I just wish that He wouldn’t be that persistent =) and now, instead of asking Him what I want, I tried to ask Him what He wants and let Him lead the way. Nothing is ever the same after that. He brought me to meet random new people at times and taught me a lot of things. It was awesome. Sometimes, I feel like saying, “Whoa God…take it slow!” Haha, but yeah, God is awesome, through all I’ve been through and all the delay with my YWAM DTS, He’s opening my mind to see what being a missionary is all about, totally to the point that I’ve never even thought of before.
However, I have learned that God always has His own way and He doesn’t need us to tell Him to do this or that. He knows exactly what He’s doing and the right time. It’s not always easy to trust Him to lead the way, well, since He often works in “mysterious” ways =) but once we trusted Him, He never fail us. Sometimes, we have a certain hope or expectation in our mind, something that we consider as the best for us and something that we pursue as our dream, but with God, we better be flexible enough when He has something else in mind =) but one thing for sure, He will work all things together for good for those who believe in Him (just remember Rome 8:28 from the Bible =D).
Well, I would love to share more about what I’ve learned with God, but for this post, let it ended here and let it be a preface for the next posts as I’m posting more about every little thing that God taught me every day =)
Hopefully, you will be blessed and encouraged.
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