Friday, February 17, 2012

People Come and People Go : Live With No Regret.

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.”

I don't know about you but I really hate goodbyes. Saying it feels like a part of my heart is ripped off and taken away.

Sometimes I wish that I will never have to say goodbye to anyone but no matter how hard I wish for it, life doesn't work that way. The reality is clear: People come and People go.

I have learned that in life we might lose someone that we love, either by circumstances or worse, by death. Yes, that's sad but that's life.

I often think of the people who have been away from my life and the things that I remembered about them. Sometimes, I wonder if I ever met them would they look like, would I recognize them in an instance, would they be different from the last time I met them and hundreds of other things I wonder about them. I have to admit that not all memories were nice some were not so nice but still, I guess, it would be lovely to run into someone that I once knew.

Growing up moving from one place to another have made me had to say goodbye a lot. Thought it would be easier every time but apparently it's not. It still hurts every time I have to say it. I used to draw a line to keep myself from people so that I won't get hurt every time I have to part from them...yeah, that might sound silly but that was the only thing I know that can keep me from hurting.

As I grow to know GOD deeper, I learn that relationship with people are important (as much as my relationship with Him :)) and that's when things started to change. I decided to walk out of my little shell into the world and getting to know people, letting them come and letting them go. It's still not easy to say goodbye I see it from a different side.

I have learned that in life, we will meet a lot of people in certain time and certain stages to teach us something or to give us a chance to help them and be part of their stories in life. Some of them might stay in a short time, some might stay for a while and some might stay for the rest of our life. Yet one thing for sure, they will live as part of our memories, either good or bad. Then in years to come, there will be a day when we look back into time and find that although not everything was perfect but love was always there. Love was there in the good memories, bringing all the joy every time we remember about them and love was also there in the bad memories, helping us to be stronger, better, smarter and sometimes taught us what it means to forgive, to reconcile and to let go.

I also learned that we will never know when the people around us are going to leave or taken away from us. I have many regrets in the past that sometimes I wish I can fix. Many broken relationships and hearts just because I didn't treat people in the right way. Sometimes I took things from them for granted and not be grateful until they're gone. It's true that sometimes we will never know what we got until it's gone and that will only leave us with regrets. That is why we need to treat people right and let them know if we care for them because we'll never know when we no longer be able to express that to them. we should live with no regret for we might never know what kind of impact we have brought into someone's life.

I love a quote that says: "If you love someone tell them...because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken. [Pamela Daranjo] - which means: live with no regret. if you love someone (either a friend, a family or a special someone) let them know, because once our time with them is over...we will regret that we have never let them know that we love and care for them.

I feel that for my late grandmother.

The one thing that I still regret every time I remember her is that I was never really tell her that I love her. So, if you love someone today, let them know that you love them. It doesn't really matter whether they will return the love or not --well, real love never expects that anyway :) -- because after years they will remember that someone once loved them and keep it as a nice memory I believe, rather than the regret we might have for not letting them know and the never ending question - what would happen if we let them know? because at that time, it will be too late.

ah, as life goes on, people come and people go and I'm thankful for every single person who has ever crossed path with me. thank you for the lesson, for the love, for the tears, for the laughter, for the anger, for the pain, for the joy of knowing it all. love you :)

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