“For everything you've loved or lost, God has something else. For everything that's been stolen from you, God has something else.” – the word for today.
There’s a saying that said, “Everything will be okay in the end, if it’s not okay then it’s not the end.” Things in life can be tough sometimes but don’t give up. Keep your head up and walk courageously. Sometimes you will encounter a situation where everything seems impossible, yet put your faith in the right foundation then you will see that every thing will fall into the right places at the right time.
It’s easier to be said that done of course and as a writer, it’s easier to write than to do it :D – but one thing for sure, giving up is not an option. For so many times in my life, i want to give up on many things but i got good friends and GOD who would always support me and to make sure that I don’t give up. In the end, the hard times shall pass :)
When you are in difficult situation, there are three things that you should do:
1. Don’t get stuck in self-pity.
Never feel like you are the only miserable people in this world. That kind of feeling won’t help you at all, it will only make you feel jealous of other people or feel as if the life is treating you unfair, when in fact, everyone has their own struggle that sometimes can be bigger that what you’re going through. Thus, stuck in self-pity won’t get you anywhere, it won’t allow you to see beyond what is happening with yourself :)
2. Ask for a help.
Alone you might get fragile but in a community you can be stronger. If you are facing difficult situations, ask for help. Although sometimes your friends or community might not able to give you the direct solution to your problems but they can encourage you, pray for you and walk with you through it. Don’t think that you’re being abandoned just because no one is asking you how are you doing or checking up on you or offering you help. People are not mind-readers, so they might need you to tell them what’s been happening to you and ask them for help.
Sometimes people forget to ask for a help that’s why they become very burdened and slowly exhausting and draining themselves. To let it go, talk to someone, ask for a help.
3. Last but should never be the least, Rely on GOD.
I am a person who believes in God and His unfailing love. You can clearly see that from the values that I’m holding :) – Thus, if you believe in God, rely on Him. God will never disappoint you and He will surely catch you when you fall. Although at times, you might feel that God is silent, don’t get mad at Him but instead run closer to Him. God’s silence can mean a lot of things, mostly He just want to see your persistence, how far would you trust Him to be your savior. So far, I have never known anyone who is put to shame if he/she put her faith in God. And so far, I have never felt left alone when I put my faith in God.
Yes, things are sometimes going in totally the opposite direction of what I expect them to be, but hey, in the end, I get to see that everything is beautiful in His time and His ways.
If you don’t believe in God, maybe you can try to give Him a FAIR chance :p
Anyway, end of words, for anyone who is struggling and happen to stumble on this blog. God bless you darling and I am praying for you, may you find accountable people who is able to walk with you through the process and may your faith in God rooted even deeper. Just believe that: As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." (Romans 10:11)
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
I Won't Give Up.
The song I'm posting here is a song called I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz. It's a song that will somehow give you a warm feeling in the heart. Thus, for you who are struggling in life and start to lose your way, DON'T GIVE UP! hang in there because you know what, this too shall pass :) - hope you're blessed and encouraged by the song.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Show Me Your Friends and I Will Show You, Your Future.
The statement on the title of this post is what my Pastor used to say and I completely agree with him.
Either we realize it or not, we will somehow resemble ourselves with the people we are having a connection or relationship with. Especially with those in our inner circle, people whom we trust and people whom we let in to our life.
As a human being, we have the highest adaptive skill compared to other God's creations. It gives us the ability to quickly adjust ourselves into a new environment and situation as well as adjusting ourselves with the people around us. If we pay a close attention then we will realize that somehow our behavior will somehow "resemble" the behaviors of the people we are close with. For example, we might use the same idioms or words they're using, act like they act and even give the same reaction over certain things. In short words, we're becoming like them bit by bit or they will become like us, depends on whose influence is stronger :)
There's a verse in the bible that says like this: Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” (1 Cor 15:33) - this verse has been a reminder from God, He knows that as a human being we are very adaptive to the things and to the people around us, so He gave us these words. Be careful with whom you are associating with or be friends with because not everyone will help you to grow better :)
A good community will help us to be what we are meant to be, a good community will also encourage us to grow in our talent and believe in our great future. A good community consists of people who are growing together in good character, people who will encourage each other, taking care of each other and watching over each other. People who care enough about each other that they will advise and counsel each other out of love not out of condemnation or judgment.
To grow we need other people. As a friend once said, "No progress without learning, no learning without feedback." We need other people's feedback to grow and that can only be required if we are in a community or in a circle of friends. Not just mere feedback but we need a corrective, positive and encouraging feedback. The people we need to be with are those who care enough for us that they don't care if we might hate them because they have the courage to confront us with the truth when we do something stupid or wrong. The sad fact is, we often push such people away from our lives. We are too sensitive and too fragile to handle the corrections from other people even when it's for our own good.
The people we let in to our lives will somehow shape us, the contribution they're giving us is very important to our being. We can be a better or worse person because of them. If we continue to surround ourselves with negative people, we would end up living a negative life, we would never able to see something positive, but if we surround ourselves with positive and uplifting people then we will be able to reach our maximum potential.
It is very important to choose what kind of people we're letting in to our lives. DO NOT let anyone get too close to us easily because NOT everyone can handle us from a close distance. If we let anyone get closer to us easily, then there will be A GREATER CHANCE for them to hurt us because we're letting the WRONG people in to our lives. People who might not have the concern or care to take care of us and sometimes the people who would just take an advantage of us. Choose the people who care enough about us, people with the same vision who would walk and run the distance with us, people who will encourage us and believe in us, people who would not talk behind us but will love us just the way we are, people who have the courage to confront us when we do something wrong because they love us enough to see us change for the better, people who would constantly challenge us to be better every single day.
If you feel like your current relationship with the people that you call as "friends" is intoxicating and somehow not getting you into a better life, then maybe you want to reconsider it. It's not that we leave our friends in time of need and be with them only in good times, it's not about that at all. It's about choosing carefully the people whom will influence us in our lives. We can meet many people, we can build an acquittance with people but we SHOULD let only THE CHOSEN ONES to come closer and stay to influence us for the better :) - we can be there for other people to build them and encourage them but we also need other people to do the same for us. Last but not least, if we want to have good friends, first, we need to become one :) - have a good day people!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Single and Very Happy.
Single and Very Happy.
Salah satu kondisi yang selalu membuat gue heran adalah...kenapa orang selalu beranggapan bahwa untuk benar-benar bahagia, seseorang butuh memiliki pasangan dalam hidupnya. Lalu berlomba-lomba pula orang untuk mencari pasangan, takut untuk sendiri dan entah mengapa hal itu menjadi sebuah ketergantungan yang memberikan LABEL BAHAGIA hanya kepada orang-orang yang memiliki pasangan.
Well, buat gue pribadi, hal itu sedikit terasa menyedihkan karena kebahagiaan kita tidak terletak di tangan orang lain, kebahagiaan kita terletak di tangan kita sendiri. Gue sering banget menemui situasi dimana orang-orang menjadi tidak bahagia karena hal-hal yang dilakukan pasangannya, namun mereka sulit untuk melepaskan diri dari situasi itu karena mereka takut untuk kemudian kehilangan pasangannya dan menjadi sendiri, seakan-akan singleness menjadi momok yang menakutkan sejagad raya dan kemudian orang-orang pun menjadi desperate dan kemudian menjalin hubungan hanya karena takut sendiri dan memaksakan sesuatu yang sebenarnya bisa lebih jauh dipertimbangkan dengan bijaksana.
Beberapa temen gue yang sudah menikah sempat berkomentar kalo nikah itu enak banget, mereka merasa lebih bahagia, merasa lebih senang karena mereka punya pasangan untuk berbagi dan kemudian mereka ngoceh-ngoceh untuk menyuruh orang lain cepat menikah dengan alasan demikian. Nah, gimana kalo dengan menjadi single pun gue udah cukup bahagia? Do I have to push myself to find someone and be with him just to FEEL HAPPY?
Buat gue, hubungan bisa menjadi hal yang paling rumit di seluruh muka bumi ini dan buat gue, hal semacam itu cuma menambah susah hidup yang kadang emang udah susah :p - bukan menjadi sinis atau skeptis, tapi buat gue, gue akan rela menanti sebuah hubungan yang tidak menambah susah hidup, dimana kebahagiaan gue tidak tergantung oleh pasangan gue dan kebahagiaan pasangan gue tidak tergantung sama gue, alias, kita jalanin suatu hubungan bersama karena memang kita adalah dua orang independen yang mampu melengkapi satu sama lain dan sama-sama dewasa dalam menjalaninya, ribet kalo pake drama-drama penuh cucuran air mata dan argumen-argumen yang pada akhirnya cuma menyakiti satu sama lain, instead of membangun satu sama lain.
Ngga munafik lah, kadang melihat orang lain memiliki pasangan itu bisa menjadi hal yang bikin "kepengen". Cuma, hal itu ngga lantas membuat gue menjadi kurang bahagia. Gue menikmati masa-masa single gue dengan senang riang. Mencoba hal-hal baru, bertemu orang-orang baru, belajar hal-hal baru. Gue bahagia dan bersyukur meski gue single tapi gue dikelilingi teman-teman yang baik, gue masih bisa travelling sana sini tanpa harus mikirin ada yang keberatan (yah kecuali orangtua gue sih yaa), gue masih bisa banyak mencoba hal-hal baru, ketemu orang-orang baru, ngecengin pria-pria ganteng seenaknya, gue masih bersyukur bahwa gue masih belom punya tanggungan keluarga sehingga gue masih bisa PUAS menikmati hidup tanpa harus mikirin belanja bulanan, susu anak, dan lain sebagainya.
Menurut gue, menikah punya kebahagiaannya sendiri, membangun keluarga, membesarkan anak, tapi gue juga percaya, menjadi single juga punya kebahagiaannya sendiri dan berpendapat bahwa mereka yang berpasangan jauh lebih bahagia dari yang single merupakan hal paling BODOH yang pernah gue dengar. Menjadi bahagia atau tidak bahagia itu merupakan pilihan kita dan kebahagiaan tidak bergantung kepada status hubungan seseorang. Gue bisa bahagia saat bisa mendapatkan foto yang bagus, gue bisa bahagia saat masih bisa liat matahari terbenam, gue bisa bahagia saat gue masih bisa menolong orang lain, gue bisa bahagia saat gue pengen rujak dan tiba-tiba ada abang tukang rujak lewat, hehehe. See, kebahagiaan itu ada dimana-mana asal hati kita terbuka untuk bersyukur atas hal-hal yang tampak kecil dan sederhana.
Sayangnya, terkadang konsep bahagia akibat bentukan dari media membuat kita mengkotak-kotakkan kebahagiaan menjadi suatu situasi yang bermakna sempit. Sehingga kemudian kita sibuk mengejar-ngejar hal-hal yang kita sangka bisa membuat kita bahagia namun ternyata hanya fana dan bisa habis dalam sekejap, seandainya saja kita semua bisa menyadari bahwa kebahagiaan kita tidak tergantung pada orang lain dan tidak tergantung pada kepemilikan atau keberadaan benda apapun di muka bumi ini maka gue rasa, dunia akan jadi tempat yang bisa lebih baik.
Jadi, jangan bersedih kalo kita masih jomblo, hidupin hidup kita dengan semaksimal-maksimalnya, banyak belajar dan banyak mencoba hal-hal baru karena ketika kita menikah, kita akan mendapatkan tanggung jawab yang berbeda lagi di dalam sebuah keluarga, dimana kita harus bener-bener menanggalkan ke"aku"an kita dan berpikir untuk kebaikan keluarga kita, entah suami/istri dan anak-anak.
Dengan demikian, selamat bahagia buat yang jomblo dan hidupilah hidupmu dengan maksimal! :)
Salah satu kondisi yang selalu membuat gue heran adalah...kenapa orang selalu beranggapan bahwa untuk benar-benar bahagia, seseorang butuh memiliki pasangan dalam hidupnya. Lalu berlomba-lomba pula orang untuk mencari pasangan, takut untuk sendiri dan entah mengapa hal itu menjadi sebuah ketergantungan yang memberikan LABEL BAHAGIA hanya kepada orang-orang yang memiliki pasangan.
Well, buat gue pribadi, hal itu sedikit terasa menyedihkan karena kebahagiaan kita tidak terletak di tangan orang lain, kebahagiaan kita terletak di tangan kita sendiri. Gue sering banget menemui situasi dimana orang-orang menjadi tidak bahagia karena hal-hal yang dilakukan pasangannya, namun mereka sulit untuk melepaskan diri dari situasi itu karena mereka takut untuk kemudian kehilangan pasangannya dan menjadi sendiri, seakan-akan singleness menjadi momok yang menakutkan sejagad raya dan kemudian orang-orang pun menjadi desperate dan kemudian menjalin hubungan hanya karena takut sendiri dan memaksakan sesuatu yang sebenarnya bisa lebih jauh dipertimbangkan dengan bijaksana.
Beberapa temen gue yang sudah menikah sempat berkomentar kalo nikah itu enak banget, mereka merasa lebih bahagia, merasa lebih senang karena mereka punya pasangan untuk berbagi dan kemudian mereka ngoceh-ngoceh untuk menyuruh orang lain cepat menikah dengan alasan demikian. Nah, gimana kalo dengan menjadi single pun gue udah cukup bahagia? Do I have to push myself to find someone and be with him just to FEEL HAPPY?
Buat gue, hubungan bisa menjadi hal yang paling rumit di seluruh muka bumi ini dan buat gue, hal semacam itu cuma menambah susah hidup yang kadang emang udah susah :p - bukan menjadi sinis atau skeptis, tapi buat gue, gue akan rela menanti sebuah hubungan yang tidak menambah susah hidup, dimana kebahagiaan gue tidak tergantung oleh pasangan gue dan kebahagiaan pasangan gue tidak tergantung sama gue, alias, kita jalanin suatu hubungan bersama karena memang kita adalah dua orang independen yang mampu melengkapi satu sama lain dan sama-sama dewasa dalam menjalaninya, ribet kalo pake drama-drama penuh cucuran air mata dan argumen-argumen yang pada akhirnya cuma menyakiti satu sama lain, instead of membangun satu sama lain.
Ngga munafik lah, kadang melihat orang lain memiliki pasangan itu bisa menjadi hal yang bikin "kepengen". Cuma, hal itu ngga lantas membuat gue menjadi kurang bahagia. Gue menikmati masa-masa single gue dengan senang riang. Mencoba hal-hal baru, bertemu orang-orang baru, belajar hal-hal baru. Gue bahagia dan bersyukur meski gue single tapi gue dikelilingi teman-teman yang baik, gue masih bisa travelling sana sini tanpa harus mikirin ada yang keberatan (yah kecuali orangtua gue sih yaa), gue masih bisa banyak mencoba hal-hal baru, ketemu orang-orang baru, ngecengin pria-pria ganteng seenaknya, gue masih bersyukur bahwa gue masih belom punya tanggungan keluarga sehingga gue masih bisa PUAS menikmati hidup tanpa harus mikirin belanja bulanan, susu anak, dan lain sebagainya.
Menurut gue, menikah punya kebahagiaannya sendiri, membangun keluarga, membesarkan anak, tapi gue juga percaya, menjadi single juga punya kebahagiaannya sendiri dan berpendapat bahwa mereka yang berpasangan jauh lebih bahagia dari yang single merupakan hal paling BODOH yang pernah gue dengar. Menjadi bahagia atau tidak bahagia itu merupakan pilihan kita dan kebahagiaan tidak bergantung kepada status hubungan seseorang. Gue bisa bahagia saat bisa mendapatkan foto yang bagus, gue bisa bahagia saat masih bisa liat matahari terbenam, gue bisa bahagia saat gue masih bisa menolong orang lain, gue bisa bahagia saat gue pengen rujak dan tiba-tiba ada abang tukang rujak lewat, hehehe. See, kebahagiaan itu ada dimana-mana asal hati kita terbuka untuk bersyukur atas hal-hal yang tampak kecil dan sederhana.
Sayangnya, terkadang konsep bahagia akibat bentukan dari media membuat kita mengkotak-kotakkan kebahagiaan menjadi suatu situasi yang bermakna sempit. Sehingga kemudian kita sibuk mengejar-ngejar hal-hal yang kita sangka bisa membuat kita bahagia namun ternyata hanya fana dan bisa habis dalam sekejap, seandainya saja kita semua bisa menyadari bahwa kebahagiaan kita tidak tergantung pada orang lain dan tidak tergantung pada kepemilikan atau keberadaan benda apapun di muka bumi ini maka gue rasa, dunia akan jadi tempat yang bisa lebih baik.
Jadi, jangan bersedih kalo kita masih jomblo, hidupin hidup kita dengan semaksimal-maksimalnya, banyak belajar dan banyak mencoba hal-hal baru karena ketika kita menikah, kita akan mendapatkan tanggung jawab yang berbeda lagi di dalam sebuah keluarga, dimana kita harus bener-bener menanggalkan ke"aku"an kita dan berpikir untuk kebaikan keluarga kita, entah suami/istri dan anak-anak.
Dengan demikian, selamat bahagia buat yang jomblo dan hidupilah hidupmu dengan maksimal! :)
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
CRAZY WEEKEND Pt. 2 : The Comforter, The Healer and The Helper.
This is the second part of my blog post about my crazy weekend. This time I would love to share about the awesome things that happened at church.
Last Sunday, Pastor Kong Hee from City Harvest Church (CHC), Singapore was sharing about the Holy Spirit.What's so touching is the story that he shared with us.
He told us that for the past 2 years, CHC has been going through a hard time since he announced that the church is holding a share of the Suntec City building. The authorities are questioning the case and he's been in and out of interrogations for so many times that made him felt so exhausted.
But what was so amazing is how God was strengthening and encouraging him. Preparing him for to face the situation. The day before he made the announcement. The Devil came at him and told him that he would get him and destroy him, at that moment he knew that something was going to happen. After he made the announcement, the next day, it became headlines on the newspaper and raising controversies and questions from people and the authorities.
Before he got arrested by the authorities and interrogated. Ps. Kong received a call from his friend when he was in a conference in Australia, his friend told Ps. Kong that he had a vision that Ps. Kong needed to go back to Singapore and he also told him that he would get arrested and he would need to take care of his home church. He encouraged Ps. Kong and told him that he and his wife were praying for Ps. Kong.
Before returning to Singapore, Ps. Kong needed to speak on a session in the conference and while he's speaking a woman, who's a prophetess saw that the devil had come to get Ps. Kong, got him arrested and chained, she saw that Ps. Kong was in so much pain and then the glory of the Lord was then come and broke the chains. She told Ps. Kong about her vision after he finished speaking in the conference. She said that he would get arrested but then God was with him through it all.
I cannot imagine how would it feel if two people are telling you that you are getting arrested when you actually did nothing wrong. It must be the worse feeling in the world.
Then later on, CHC had an asian conference where Ps. David Yonggi Cho from Korea came as one of the speakers. In one of the session where Ps. David Yonggi Cho was speaking, while he's speaking, he stopped in the middle of his message and told Ps. Kong that God loves him so much and he needed to remember that. At that moment Ps. Kong knew that something was really going to happen, he started to shake and tremble of fear and he could feel the Holy Spirit came like an old friend and gave him a hug.
The next morning, while having breakfast with Ps. David Yonggi Cho before he's going back to Korea, the authorities came and arrested Ps. Kong, and since that, he's going in and out to the police station as he was being interrogated for many things regarding the stock ownership of Suntec City and it's been the hardest times for Ps. Kong and CHC. The church almost fell apart and he was so drained and exhausted.
One day, Ps. Yonggi Cho invited him to Korea, Ps. Yonggi Cho was the one who always made sure that Ps. Kong was okay and checking on him every time. While in Korea Ps. Kong went to a prayer mountain in Korea and there were some intercessors there. When he came, there was one woman that came to him and told him that she had a message from the holy spirit which was: "Why Sun Glasses?" - nobody else understood that message except Ps. Kong. Ps. Kong later shared that since the case, he got a panic attack that every time he went out (and sometimes even at home), he would wear a sun glasses to give him some comfort. Then the woman said to him that God wanted him to take off his sun glasses because God wanted to see his face. It was so amazing that God cared about the little detail and letting Ps. Kong knew that He cared for him.
It was so overwhelming to listen to Ps. Kong's story. On how God prepared him to face the hardship and on how God encouraged him even before it happened and even during it happened. Ps. Kong said that he might not able to face everything if God hadn't prepared him before.
It was so beautiful how God worked in Ps. Kong's life and throughout his message he reminded one of three things about the Holy Spirit which was Holy Spirit is a person and he wants to have a relationship with us. When we feel so alone, the Holy Spirit is there as our friend, when we're in difficult times, the Holy Spirit is there as our comforter and helper, when we're hurt, the Holy Spirit is there as our healer.
Sometimes, we are too familiar of the Holy Spirit that we stop to realise that the Holy Spirit is a person. He has eyes that he wants to show us his vision, hands that he wants to touch us and encourage us.
The past few weeks were my hard times and honestly, I have forgotten about the Holy Spirit. Things were going out of control and it was hard for me to find my focus in life again that I ended up feeling so lonely and sad as if no one could ever understand what I'm feeling and the situation I'm in. So when I went to church last Sunday and listened to what Ps. Kong had to share. I was so overwhelmed. I know that in whatever situation I will never be alone, the holy spirit is there with me, he's there to comfort me, to heal me and to help me. I was so encouraged and so thankful that I came to church last Sunday.
God really knows what I need and He always sent people to meet my needs. He sent comforters when I was so down, He sent Ps. Kong to remind me that He still cares for me and I can never thank Him enough for every little thing that He has done for me. His love is a never ending love and He is faithful even when I'm not. And for that, I'm so grateful for the grace He's given me.
Thank You, Jesus. Take my hand and lead my way, step by step. I want you to be there in every step that I take and in every thing that I do.
Last Sunday, Pastor Kong Hee from City Harvest Church (CHC), Singapore was sharing about the Holy Spirit.What's so touching is the story that he shared with us.
He told us that for the past 2 years, CHC has been going through a hard time since he announced that the church is holding a share of the Suntec City building. The authorities are questioning the case and he's been in and out of interrogations for so many times that made him felt so exhausted.
But what was so amazing is how God was strengthening and encouraging him. Preparing him for to face the situation. The day before he made the announcement. The Devil came at him and told him that he would get him and destroy him, at that moment he knew that something was going to happen. After he made the announcement, the next day, it became headlines on the newspaper and raising controversies and questions from people and the authorities.
Before he got arrested by the authorities and interrogated. Ps. Kong received a call from his friend when he was in a conference in Australia, his friend told Ps. Kong that he had a vision that Ps. Kong needed to go back to Singapore and he also told him that he would get arrested and he would need to take care of his home church. He encouraged Ps. Kong and told him that he and his wife were praying for Ps. Kong.
Before returning to Singapore, Ps. Kong needed to speak on a session in the conference and while he's speaking a woman, who's a prophetess saw that the devil had come to get Ps. Kong, got him arrested and chained, she saw that Ps. Kong was in so much pain and then the glory of the Lord was then come and broke the chains. She told Ps. Kong about her vision after he finished speaking in the conference. She said that he would get arrested but then God was with him through it all.
I cannot imagine how would it feel if two people are telling you that you are getting arrested when you actually did nothing wrong. It must be the worse feeling in the world.
Then later on, CHC had an asian conference where Ps. David Yonggi Cho from Korea came as one of the speakers. In one of the session where Ps. David Yonggi Cho was speaking, while he's speaking, he stopped in the middle of his message and told Ps. Kong that God loves him so much and he needed to remember that. At that moment Ps. Kong knew that something was really going to happen, he started to shake and tremble of fear and he could feel the Holy Spirit came like an old friend and gave him a hug.
The next morning, while having breakfast with Ps. David Yonggi Cho before he's going back to Korea, the authorities came and arrested Ps. Kong, and since that, he's going in and out to the police station as he was being interrogated for many things regarding the stock ownership of Suntec City and it's been the hardest times for Ps. Kong and CHC. The church almost fell apart and he was so drained and exhausted.
One day, Ps. Yonggi Cho invited him to Korea, Ps. Yonggi Cho was the one who always made sure that Ps. Kong was okay and checking on him every time. While in Korea Ps. Kong went to a prayer mountain in Korea and there were some intercessors there. When he came, there was one woman that came to him and told him that she had a message from the holy spirit which was: "Why Sun Glasses?" - nobody else understood that message except Ps. Kong. Ps. Kong later shared that since the case, he got a panic attack that every time he went out (and sometimes even at home), he would wear a sun glasses to give him some comfort. Then the woman said to him that God wanted him to take off his sun glasses because God wanted to see his face. It was so amazing that God cared about the little detail and letting Ps. Kong knew that He cared for him.
It was so overwhelming to listen to Ps. Kong's story. On how God prepared him to face the hardship and on how God encouraged him even before it happened and even during it happened. Ps. Kong said that he might not able to face everything if God hadn't prepared him before.
It was so beautiful how God worked in Ps. Kong's life and throughout his message he reminded one of three things about the Holy Spirit which was Holy Spirit is a person and he wants to have a relationship with us. When we feel so alone, the Holy Spirit is there as our friend, when we're in difficult times, the Holy Spirit is there as our comforter and helper, when we're hurt, the Holy Spirit is there as our healer.
Sometimes, we are too familiar of the Holy Spirit that we stop to realise that the Holy Spirit is a person. He has eyes that he wants to show us his vision, hands that he wants to touch us and encourage us.
The past few weeks were my hard times and honestly, I have forgotten about the Holy Spirit. Things were going out of control and it was hard for me to find my focus in life again that I ended up feeling so lonely and sad as if no one could ever understand what I'm feeling and the situation I'm in. So when I went to church last Sunday and listened to what Ps. Kong had to share. I was so overwhelmed. I know that in whatever situation I will never be alone, the holy spirit is there with me, he's there to comfort me, to heal me and to help me. I was so encouraged and so thankful that I came to church last Sunday.
God really knows what I need and He always sent people to meet my needs. He sent comforters when I was so down, He sent Ps. Kong to remind me that He still cares for me and I can never thank Him enough for every little thing that He has done for me. His love is a never ending love and He is faithful even when I'm not. And for that, I'm so grateful for the grace He's given me.
Thank You, Jesus. Take my hand and lead my way, step by step. I want you to be there in every step that I take and in every thing that I do.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Hello people!
This weekend has been SUPAHH CRAZEHHH! Things happened and I'm super blessed. Maybe I'm going to divide the stories into two posts.
So, in the first post, I'd love to share about a recent visit to Rawinala Orphanage which was last Saturday. Me and some youth from the church went there to visit the children and to have some fun with them. We thought we would bless them but then we were so wrong because in the end we were the ones who were blessed by the children. Truly grateful for the experience.
A glimpse about Rawinala Orphanage, the orphanage is built for children with special needs. Children who are visually impaired or having multiple handicapped like visually impaired and mentally disabled. The Rawinala Orphanage is acting not just as a home for the orphans but also giving out education for children with special needs. The total number of the children that The Rawinala Orphanage is taking care of is around 40 children. Some of them still have a family, some are not. For those who are still having a family, they can just come to the orphanage to study and then go home afterwards or they can stay at the dorm in the orphanage during the school days and on weekends, the parents can pick them up. The policy is encouraged so the parents would need to be responsible of their own children instead of abandoning their disabled children.
Other than children, The Rawinala Orphanage also has another dorm to take care of the mentally disabled adults, for now the dorm is intended only for male adults. The people who lived in the other dorm are the people who have no family and no one to take care of them.
It was truly one of those life changing experiences. I am so blessed to have joined the team and meeting these extraordinary children. Their excitement and uplifting spirit have made us feel ashamed of ourselves because we didn't come with that much excitement. Totally a slap in the face.
Despite of their disabilities, some of these children played music instruments and sings. I can really say that they are so good at it! I think music is the thing that can support them when they're having a hard time. I also heard from the care taker of the Orphanage, Ibu Sundari, that these children would have their own music record. Which was so awesome!
We divided the youth from our church into groups of two people which each would be forming a group with the children from Rawinala. It was quite difficult at first to adjust with the situation but I'm so proud and humbled by the youth from our church because they were so willing and so compassionate to interact with the children and made an instant friendship bonding. And when each group was asked to make a performance, they were so excited and gave out the best. It was awesome to see how each group performed their best acts in singing and played music.
After the praise and worship time, a quick sermon and also performances from each group, we were then having lunch with the children. I sat next to a child named Louis. Louis is visually impaired but that condition doesn't take his spirit away. He's so chatty and fun to talk with, he also loves to sing. Since he cannot see, Louis needed to first touch his plate to figure out where the rice and side dishes were, after that he would tried to eat with his spoon. It was so hard to see that because I am able to see my food before I eat it, I know where every thing is on my plate, I can put aside things that I don't like before I eat and I can see if the food looks nice or not. I can scoop the rice easily with my spoon while for Louis sometimes he took an empty spoon to his mouth because he couldn't even see if he had scooped the rice or not. It took some time for Louis to finish his meal. I felt so humbled by the experience and realised how I have taken things given to me for granted. The sight that God has given me, I have never really been so grateful that I am trusted with such privilege.
Every children in Rawinala Orphanage are trained to be independent. They are taught to do things on their own. After every meal, they are required to wash their own plate and spoon. They are also taught how to wash their own clothes and how to iron their clothes. On days out, they even taught on how to go shopping at the market and how to differ the size of the money that they use to buy things. In short, every child need to be independent because that's what they would need to be in the real life, out there in the society.
It was a humbling experience to also see how the people who work at Rawinala taking care of each children. Their patience, their love and their understanding of the children are beyond measure, especially to deal with the children with multiple handicapped. I've been involved in many social activities before but when I was there at Rawinala, I can say that nothing can be compared to the work that they do in Rawinala. The patience and love they showed to the kids are respectable. I gave my utmost honor for them.
It was hard to part with the children in the end of the visit. Even though it was tiring but we were so much blessed by what we experienced at the orphanage and we're so excited to come again next time. It's a privilege to be with those extraordinary children whom have taught us a lot about being grateful and to care for other people. Thank you our dear friends from Rawinala, it's been a wonderful time and it's been great to have known each and every one of you.
ps: if anyone happened to read this blog and want to know more about this orphanage and ways to help them. drop a comment and i'll be more than glad to help you :)
Friday, February 17, 2012
People Come and People Go : Live With No Regret.
“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.”
I don't know about you but I really hate goodbyes. Saying it feels like a part of my heart is ripped off and taken away.
Sometimes I wish that I will never have to say goodbye to anyone but no matter how hard I wish for it, life doesn't work that way. The reality is clear: People come and People go.
I have learned that in life we might lose someone that we love, either by circumstances or worse, by death. Yes, that's sad but that's life.
I often think of the people who have been away from my life and the things that I remembered about them. Sometimes, I wonder if I ever met them again...how would they look like, would I recognize them in an instance, would they be different from the last time I met them and hundreds of other things I wonder about them. I have to admit that not all memories were nice some were not so nice but still, I guess, it would be lovely to run into someone that I once knew.
Growing up moving from one place to another have made me had to say goodbye a lot. Thought it would be easier every time but apparently it's not. It still hurts every time I have to say it. I used to draw a line to keep myself from people so that I won't get hurt every time I have to part from them...yeah, that might sound silly but that was the only thing I know that can keep me from hurting.
As I grow to know GOD deeper, I learn that relationship with people are important (as much as my relationship with Him :)) and that's when things started to change. I decided to walk out of my little shell into the world and getting to know people, letting them come and letting them go. It's still not easy to say goodbye but..now I see it from a different side.
I have learned that in life, we will meet a lot of people in certain time and certain stages to teach us something or to give us a chance to help them and be part of their stories in life. Some of them might stay in a short time, some might stay for a while and some might stay for the rest of our life. Yet one thing for sure, they will live as part of our memories, either good or bad. Then in years to come, there will be a day when we look back into time and find that although not everything was perfect but love was always there. Love was there in the good memories, bringing all the joy every time we remember about them and love was also there in the bad memories, helping us to be stronger, better, smarter and sometimes taught us what it means to forgive, to reconcile and to let go.
I also learned that we will never know when the people around us are going to leave or taken away from us. I have many regrets in the past that sometimes I wish I can fix. Many broken relationships and hearts just because I didn't treat people in the right way. Sometimes I took things from them for granted and not be grateful until they're gone. It's true that sometimes we will never know what we got until it's gone and that will only leave us with regrets. That is why we need to treat people right and let them know if we care for them because we'll never know when we no longer be able to express that to them. we should live with no regret for we might never know what kind of impact we have brought into someone's life.
I love a quote that says: "If you love someone tell them...because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken. [Pamela Daranjo] - which means: live with no regret. if you love someone (either a friend, a family or a special someone) let them know, because once our time with them is over...we will regret that we have never let them know that we love and care for them.
I feel that for my late grandmother.
The one thing that I still regret every time I remember her is that I was never really tell her that I love her. So, if you love someone today, let them know that you love them. It doesn't really matter whether they will return the love or not --well, real love never expects that anyway :) -- because after years they will remember that someone once loved them and keep it as a nice memory I believe, rather than the regret we might have for not letting them know and the never ending question - what would happen if we let them know? because at that time, it will be too late.
ah, as life goes on, people come and people go and I'm thankful for every single person who has ever crossed path with me. thank you for the lesson, for the love, for the tears, for the laughter, for the anger, for the pain, for the joy of knowing it all. love you :)
I don't know about you but I really hate goodbyes. Saying it feels like a part of my heart is ripped off and taken away.
Sometimes I wish that I will never have to say goodbye to anyone but no matter how hard I wish for it, life doesn't work that way. The reality is clear: People come and People go.
I have learned that in life we might lose someone that we love, either by circumstances or worse, by death. Yes, that's sad but that's life.
I often think of the people who have been away from my life and the things that I remembered about them. Sometimes, I wonder if I ever met them again...how would they look like, would I recognize them in an instance, would they be different from the last time I met them and hundreds of other things I wonder about them. I have to admit that not all memories were nice some were not so nice but still, I guess, it would be lovely to run into someone that I once knew.
Growing up moving from one place to another have made me had to say goodbye a lot. Thought it would be easier every time but apparently it's not. It still hurts every time I have to say it. I used to draw a line to keep myself from people so that I won't get hurt every time I have to part from them...yeah, that might sound silly but that was the only thing I know that can keep me from hurting.
As I grow to know GOD deeper, I learn that relationship with people are important (as much as my relationship with Him :)) and that's when things started to change. I decided to walk out of my little shell into the world and getting to know people, letting them come and letting them go. It's still not easy to say goodbye but..now I see it from a different side.
I have learned that in life, we will meet a lot of people in certain time and certain stages to teach us something or to give us a chance to help them and be part of their stories in life. Some of them might stay in a short time, some might stay for a while and some might stay for the rest of our life. Yet one thing for sure, they will live as part of our memories, either good or bad. Then in years to come, there will be a day when we look back into time and find that although not everything was perfect but love was always there. Love was there in the good memories, bringing all the joy every time we remember about them and love was also there in the bad memories, helping us to be stronger, better, smarter and sometimes taught us what it means to forgive, to reconcile and to let go.
I also learned that we will never know when the people around us are going to leave or taken away from us. I have many regrets in the past that sometimes I wish I can fix. Many broken relationships and hearts just because I didn't treat people in the right way. Sometimes I took things from them for granted and not be grateful until they're gone. It's true that sometimes we will never know what we got until it's gone and that will only leave us with regrets. That is why we need to treat people right and let them know if we care for them because we'll never know when we no longer be able to express that to them. we should live with no regret for we might never know what kind of impact we have brought into someone's life.
I love a quote that says: "If you love someone tell them...because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken. [Pamela Daranjo] - which means: live with no regret. if you love someone (either a friend, a family or a special someone) let them know, because once our time with them is over...we will regret that we have never let them know that we love and care for them.
I feel that for my late grandmother.
The one thing that I still regret every time I remember her is that I was never really tell her that I love her. So, if you love someone today, let them know that you love them. It doesn't really matter whether they will return the love or not --well, real love never expects that anyway :) -- because after years they will remember that someone once loved them and keep it as a nice memory I believe, rather than the regret we might have for not letting them know and the never ending question - what would happen if we let them know? because at that time, it will be too late.
ah, as life goes on, people come and people go and I'm thankful for every single person who has ever crossed path with me. thank you for the lesson, for the love, for the tears, for the laughter, for the anger, for the pain, for the joy of knowing it all. love you :)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
what is contentment? the state of being contented; satisfaction; ease of mind. (dictionary.com).
living in the asian culture to be honest can make me quite frustrated with all the social pressure regarding the definition of perfection.
you are a perfect woman if: you have white skin, long black hair, flawless skin, tall and slim like the catwalk models, you marry a good man in the right "age", having good children, being a good wife and mother to your child, growing old and be a happy old couple with your husband as the children have great life, career and family.
good grace!
in a big family reunion, people will ask you if you have a boyfriend already and if you have get married or not and they will make a fuzz if the answer is NO. all the WHYs, judgemental opinions and lots of advices of the NEED TO FIND A NICE GOOD MAN TO SETTLE DOWN AND HAVE A FAMILY.
YEAH! like that kind of man is easy to find. besides, I DON'T WANT TO FIND, I WANT TO BE FOUND. less effort in that matter.
in another chance, you will find people looking and measuring your height and weight, commenting on how you should get on a diet, grow your hair longer, go to the skin doctor to get your skin flawless (YEAH! like they will ever pay the expensive doctor's bills for me). what happened to BEAUTY IS A SKIN DEEP? guess that's just an idealist saying. what if i was born the way i am, that i gain weight as easy as snapping my fingers and hardly losing it, that i just don't look good in long hair and i can't pay that darn skin doctor? would i be called as IMPERFECT? oh come on!
the cosmetics industry have played the biggest part in creating such image and sadly, it's a FALSE IMAGE.
i'd also say that the picture of having a complete and perfect life is when we get to spend the life with someone is way exaggerating. YES, God created EVE for ADAM, the reason people always use to excuse this IDEA of PERFECTION by having a husband/wife and build a happy family to then breed and fill the earth (FYI, the earth is already crowded now!) but God also created PAUL, who were single and wrote most chapters in the New Testament.
it's a very shallow thought to think that LIFE is just to work, build a family, raise your children and then retired. oh gosh, i can't really imagine living in a life so PLAIN like that.
my friend said, " we were born alone and we will die alone. so, why bother if we're still single until now? we're not in a rush or anything." she's RIGHT. getting married is actually just adding another problem to your life. you might think that if i'm getting married then i'd be HAPPY EVER AFTER. WRONG. getting married means twice the problems and you can't just run away from the commitment.
i found some people are so obsessed in getting married. it's a normal thing and i have nothing against it as long as it makes sense. you don't just marry someone because other people tell you that you should get married soon because you are getting older and that would be a shameful thing to be called an old spinster (which i found as a VERY RUDE thing to call a woman) and you don't just marry someone because all of your friends have married and you need to cope up with them. marriage is not a game to play and it's not for childish people as well. you need two adults to build a marriage. it's not about I LOVE YOU and YOU LOVE ME so let's get married. trust me, LOVE would last that long, COMMITMENT is the thing that keeps a marriage going (and help love to be rekindled again).
and from the above definition of being PERFECT...i have absolutely NO IDEA why people put their standards on those things.
not to mention, career. this one is rather work for men. if you have a good career, respected by many people and darn filthy rich then your life is perfect. i've seen how men put their integrity on stake just for the sake of having a better career, better position and so on. people who would sacrifice everything and everyone for his own sake. people who talk behind the back of the colleagues they don't like. people who don't want to do the right thing so they won't be blamed by their superior. during my years of working, i've seen that happened around me. not to say that i'm already perfect in work. NO. i have to admit that all those things have brought certain hesitation for me to go to work everyday, i came late, i didn't really have any excitement to go work and so on. i know that's wrong, that's something that i have to deal with God and also solve very soon. yet my point is this, CAN IT BE CALLED AS A PERFECT LIFE when you risk other people for your benefit? would it satisfy you to be on top yet hated by everyone?
for me, I DON'T THINK SO. it would be a very miserable life.
what are these things called PERFECT have to do with CONTENTMENT?
striving for those kinds of perfection will get you tired and sometimes, disappointed when you can't have what you want.
you can follow all the ideas of perfection but if you can't learn to be content. you would only get frustrated. we need to learn to become content. counting our blessings and enjoying what we have.
contentment is a state of mind. a condition where we can accept everything and everyone in our lives. a condition where we can appreciate life as it is. being content all the time is not easy but it's not impossible to do.
not that i'm against any competition or effort to lead an ambitious life to achieve a good career or living. NO, NOT AT ALL. everyone wants to have a good life and wants to be better at all time. BUT, we need to learn to be content when what we're expecting is not happening, we don't become greedy or then desperately do all things that will make us feel better.
in a simpler words: contentment helps us to be grateful all the time. we don't get jealous if other people are better than us, we don't get jealous if other people have more things than us while we have been trying our best to make it, when people have all it takes to be called PERFECT in the world's eyes. those are part of contentment. contentment also means that we have a big enough heart to congratulate those who are more successful than us and those who seems to have a better living than us. we are proud of what we've done best and be satisfied for it :)
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
You can recognize passion when you see one.
When the Real Steel movie was out, I went to watch it with some friends.
The basic reason why I went to watch that movie was of course because Hugh Jackman is the leading role. (oh gosh, he’s one of the sexiest men alive).
And when the movie rolled, it was beyond my expectation. It was truly the first movie that almost made me stood on my feet cheering at the scene and gave a standing ovation ( it’s so hard to keep myself cool during the time).
Other than the fact that Hugh Jackman does have very sexy ass (oh women, you should look at the scene where he wore his training suit and trained with the robot) and Dakota Goyo as the future heart-throb, the movie carries a positive value about family, trust and how you should believe in yourself. More than that, the movie also speaks about PASSION.
Charles Kenton (Jackman) used to be a boxer, known for his persistence in not giving up. Later in the future, people change the traditional boxing match from a match between two humans into a match between two fighting robots controlled by humans. Shifting into the new culture, Charles or Charlie became the human who control the robot to fight and for most of the time, he sucked.
One day, he got news that he actually had a son with his former girlfriend. Max Kenton (Goyo), an 11 years old boy lost his mother because of an illness and being fought over the custody rights by his aunt. Charlie gave up his right as Max’s father and handed over the custody rights to his aunt and using a given situation where Max’s uncle and aunt need to go on vacation, Charlie took the advantage by asking some money from the uncle to take care of Max during their vacation.
That’s where their story as father and son began.
I’m not going to write the whole review here, you can find it on the internet or just watch the movie yourself. But the point that I want to share here, is this...in the end of the movie, we would find that the father and son fought against the best fighting robot in the world. their robot which was smaller and also an older generation of robot got beaten up real bad that it’s lost its voice recognition function used to control it, so the only way to survive and continued the battle was to use it’s shadow function. Shadow function was a function that enabled the robot to imitate any movement that he saw, first he would need to see your face and then he would imitate whatever moves you make. In this case, it means Charlie would really need to box in order for the robot to imitate his movements and fought against the best fighting robot.
Seeing his dad boxing in excitement and passion during the match, Max cried, Charlie’s girlfriend cried and the viewers also cried (well, if not, at least i did). That moment something instantly hit me in the head.
you can recognize PASSION when you see one..
PASSION is a diehard thing. It sticks with you for life. It’s something that runs in your blood. It’s something you love with all of your heart and life. PASSION is something that makes your face lit up with smile, fun and excitement.
PASSION is contagious.
If you do something passionately, it is guaranteed that the result will somehow affect other people.
A passionate painter will create a painting that will hang on the wall of museums.
A passionate photographer will capture a moment that will speak to the world or even change it.
A passionate writer will write a book that will become a treasured literature.
A passionate athlete will write history by the spirit that he has.
A passionate parents will produce passionate children.
Passionate children will grow to be passionate people that will bring great impact to the world.
Steve Jobs is one of the well known passionate people.
He is passionate in what he does, he loves what he does and he invested his passion in the design and work that he created.
Thus, APPLE changed the world and PIXAR becomes one of the leading animation company.
You can recognize passion when you see one...
Because passion cannot be hidden. It’s there. It’s in your eyes and the thing that you love to do.
When the Real Steel movie was out, I went to watch it with some friends.
The basic reason why I went to watch that movie was of course because Hugh Jackman is the leading role. (oh gosh, he’s one of the sexiest men alive).
And when the movie rolled, it was beyond my expectation. It was truly the first movie that almost made me stood on my feet cheering at the scene and gave a standing ovation ( it’s so hard to keep myself cool during the time).
Other than the fact that Hugh Jackman does have very sexy ass (oh women, you should look at the scene where he wore his training suit and trained with the robot) and Dakota Goyo as the future heart-throb, the movie carries a positive value about family, trust and how you should believe in yourself. More than that, the movie also speaks about PASSION.
Charles Kenton (Jackman) used to be a boxer, known for his persistence in not giving up. Later in the future, people change the traditional boxing match from a match between two humans into a match between two fighting robots controlled by humans. Shifting into the new culture, Charles or Charlie became the human who control the robot to fight and for most of the time, he sucked.
One day, he got news that he actually had a son with his former girlfriend. Max Kenton (Goyo), an 11 years old boy lost his mother because of an illness and being fought over the custody rights by his aunt. Charlie gave up his right as Max’s father and handed over the custody rights to his aunt and using a given situation where Max’s uncle and aunt need to go on vacation, Charlie took the advantage by asking some money from the uncle to take care of Max during their vacation.
That’s where their story as father and son began.
I’m not going to write the whole review here, you can find it on the internet or just watch the movie yourself. But the point that I want to share here, is this...in the end of the movie, we would find that the father and son fought against the best fighting robot in the world. their robot which was smaller and also an older generation of robot got beaten up real bad that it’s lost its voice recognition function used to control it, so the only way to survive and continued the battle was to use it’s shadow function. Shadow function was a function that enabled the robot to imitate any movement that he saw, first he would need to see your face and then he would imitate whatever moves you make. In this case, it means Charlie would really need to box in order for the robot to imitate his movements and fought against the best fighting robot.
Seeing his dad boxing in excitement and passion during the match, Max cried, Charlie’s girlfriend cried and the viewers also cried (well, if not, at least i did). That moment something instantly hit me in the head.
you can recognize PASSION when you see one..
PASSION is a diehard thing. It sticks with you for life. It’s something that runs in your blood. It’s something you love with all of your heart and life. PASSION is something that makes your face lit up with smile, fun and excitement.
PASSION is contagious.
If you do something passionately, it is guaranteed that the result will somehow affect other people.
A passionate painter will create a painting that will hang on the wall of museums.
A passionate photographer will capture a moment that will speak to the world or even change it.
A passionate writer will write a book that will become a treasured literature.
A passionate athlete will write history by the spirit that he has.
A passionate parents will produce passionate children.
Passionate children will grow to be passionate people that will bring great impact to the world.
Steve Jobs is one of the well known passionate people.
He is passionate in what he does, he loves what he does and he invested his passion in the design and work that he created.
Thus, APPLE changed the world and PIXAR becomes one of the leading animation company.
You can recognize passion when you see one...
Because passion cannot be hidden. It’s there. It’s in your eyes and the thing that you love to do.
So, what's your PASSION? :)
Life Is Beautiful.
“unexpected intrusions of beauty, that is what life is.” – Saul Bellow, Author.
Life can bring you a hundred reasons to cry but one thing for sure, life can also bring you a thousand reasons for you to laugh and be grateful that you are living.
In my living years --in which more that twenty years living and breathing on this earth-- LIFE always fascinates me. I love to take time to reflect and think about my LIFE once in a while and seriously, I cannot find any reason for me NOT to be grateful that I am alive and present in where I am right now.
Not that my life is always nice and smooth. Things can be so hard sometimes and stressful. But it doesn’t make me love life less. The key to enjoy life is to be grateful for every little thing, because when you are grateful, you are opening yourself to a lot of good things to happen in the unexpected ways :)
Maybe this video will change the way you see your life and remember, if you give life a chance, you’ll see that there are actually many wonderful and beautiful things around. Don’t give up hope :)
Monday, February 06, 2012
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
“you might be the best apple on the tree but still, there will be people who doesn’t like apple.”
In life, we can’t please everyone. That’s for sure. We can do our best but there will still be haters around us, sometimes there will be people whose existence are simply to give us a hard time to shape us and help us to grow. Although it’s so darn hard to be grateful for them sometimes, but we need to be grateful for their presence because with their talent in being annoying, they help us to be a better person :)
For example, I have met people who simply love to talk about other people they don’t like behind their back (well, who knows if they are actually love to talk about everyone behind their back :p) – and it’s not about the good and nice things of course. I call them “the secret haters”. Those who will always find your flaws and talk about that to other people. They don’t have enough guts to confront you face to face but keep bad mouthing you behind your back. Sometimes, you don’t even need to do them wrong because they just simple hate you for who you are. Personally, I don’t like such people and I always keep my distance from them.
How to deal with such people? Just completely ignore them, their opinions have no significance in your life. They’re just haters. No matter what you do, they will just hate you. So, surround yourself with the right people. Find people who knows the real you and still love you the same, people who care about you and your future, people who are not afraid to confront you when you are wrong and those who will encourage you to be what you need to be, those right people wouldn’t even care about those who talk behind your back because they know you better. When it comes to “the secret haters”, you don’t have to prove anything to them. Just be yourself and let other people justify the facts they see from you – such people will teach you about patience and about having a big and forgiving heart. Your reaction is the key to everything you’re facing J - thus, think carefully and react wisely.
One wise thing that my Pastor taught us is that there will always be THE GOOD, THE BAD and THE UGLY everywhere we go. There will always be people who are labeled as Extra Grace Required. Those whose presence are toxicating and annoying. Yet they are there to help us grow, to help us to be better. Sometimes they are there to remind us not to act like what they do, sometimes they are there to help us reflecting on ourselves and improving ourselves to be better. When we have gone through the hardships we would see that we are a better and stronger person. Those people may be around for a while or for a length of time and gone after we have learned what we have to learn. And who knows, we might miss them eventually :p
So, never try to please everyone, you’ll only get exhausted because it’s an impossible task to do. Instead, maintain the relatioship you have with the right people, which are the ones who love you as who you are. Be blessed! :)
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