"If You've Got Nothing Worth Dying For, You've Got Nothing Worth Living For"
-Marthin Luther-
I was on a job interview one day when the interviewer asked me about one question:
"What your passion really is ?"
It was a 3 minutes pause before I could manage to answer it. By far, it was the hardest question ever asked to me during a job interview. Simple question, Hard to answer (at least for me).
It got me thinking about my life. Well, I have been working in this company for 5 years and the only things that have made me happy so far are the friends and the monthly salary, not because it's great in number but because hey, at least I can sustain my life with my own money. Yes, I am working there only for the salary and just for the sake of it and at some point, it's getting so boring and I'm dying inside because honestly, I don't even like the job at all. I mean it's not like I hate it, I just find that it's nothing that I'm interested into and nothing that I'm enjoying doing it.
Probably, you are wondering, then why would I stay there that long? Mainly because I am afraid of making my move. I am afraid that if I pursue my passion, the thing that I really love to do I would disappoint my parents because it's nothing they would ever expect me to do. There are a lot of things that have become my consideration in making the move. In the end, everything is piling up and I have nearly come to a self-destructing mode, thank you to my dear friends who always keep me sane and alive :)
I love to encourage people to pursue their dreams because I believe it will give you a self contentment, something that I'm still struggling to reach until now. I love to help people in achieving their dreams because I just don't want them to get stuck where they are like what happened to my own life. I wish everyone to be brave in making their dreams come true while I'm struggling to challenge myself to learn to be brave as well.
This year, my goal is to break free from my comfort zone. To re-light my passion and seriously trying to pursue it and make my dreams come true. I know this is going to be a tough journey that would be filled with tears and endless efforts, yet I know that it's going to be a rewarding one. I always admire those who have the guts to break free and pursue their passion, because I know how scary that can be yet how wonderful it would be.
Passion is something that you love to do, something that will make you happy doing it and for sure something that you know you're good at. Passion is God's guidance to let you know, why are you here on earth. Don't follow success, don't follow money, follow your passion then success will follow, money will follow and even people will follow you.
If you're currently struggling in living your passion, you're not alone, I'm with you and so does many other human beings. We're all feel scared sometimes, but we shouldn't let the fear stand it the way.
Easier said than done right? - I know :p
However, live your life to the fullest, because it's simply a gift for you. Don't waste your regretting the things that you don't do but make every time meaningful. Follow your passion and you'll see that life will be more than just ordinary ;) - and one more thing, find people who would encourage you to pursue your passion, those who believe in your dreams and will walk with you along the way because they know you would make it :)
so what is ur passion @new office ?
haha, hello there anonymous ;) - no good news yet but i was applying with goal to have a new experience and learning new things, the open position was a new spot in the company so, basically it would be lovely and fun to help building it :D - yet, however, i'm still waiting for the good news, LOL!
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