Tuesday, January 03, 2012


14 “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” 15 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.” Exodus 14:14-15

I read this verse on Pastor Steven Furtick's blogpost about Faith. For me personally, the "move on" part is the most interesting part :)

As you all know from my previous posts, I've been struggling a lot to survive a broken relationship (I know I have been talking about this subject over and over again, but then again, this blog was also intended as a theraphy for me. So bear with me for a while ;)). The hardest part was because the person is still all around me because we do have the same circle of friends and none of them know exactly what's going on. I'm just gonna let them be because It's unnecessary to disclose things that are not for public consumption to respect my privacy and the related person's privacy. If they ever figured it out for sure it's not going to be from me :)

Anyway, speaking of the broken relationship, of course moving on is one of the crucial part other than forgiving. When I was hurt, I prayed for God to give me strength to forgive and move on. I cried a river. BUT, I still somehow looking at the person's social media's account, checking on him, how is he doing and so on. Then when I remember about everything he did that hurt me or when I noticed things about him that made me sad, I cried again and I prayed for strength to move on. It was always like that, until I feel like doing an endless game.


And this requires my action and decision as well. Thus, this new year, one of my resolutions is to STOP checking on him and cutting all possible relation with him. I don't care if some people might think of me as a bad unloving and unforgiving person for doing such because HEY, they're not in my shoes and they definitely don't know what I really feel. I love myself more and I will definitely do anything to keep myself from getting hurt again and to REALLY move on. I can't rely on my own strength, risking myself with things that I know will only make me paralyzed, I need God's grace and help to move on and for sure He also needs to see if I'm being serious about that :) - it's not that i don't care about that person that I do this, but it's because I care about myself and that person enough to keep a safe distance so we won't hurt each other any further. That's so unhealthy.

So when I read the verse, I can totally relate to that, LOL! I can't just keep on crying to God asking for help when I don't even do a thing to help me move on :). Not only in relationship area but this also applies in other areas as well. Like work, family, business, ministry and so on. I can give you another example.

Recently, I have been thinking to resign from my current job. Things happen at the office which no longer give me the peace to work there. So, I desperately wishing for a new job. I always say that I want to move out, I want to resign. BUT, I haven't really done anything to make it come true. I wish for a career shift to do something that I'd love to do more. BUT, again, I haven't done anything. Yet, I am determined to do it in 2012, a new job is part of my new year's resolutions.

And earlier today, a friend of mine offered me a job at one company. Actually, I've been offered the job at this company for I don't know how many times yet I declined because I don't think that I would like the idea of the same job at a different company. Yet, the offer kept coming back until today, it seems like chasing me all the way down, LOL! I still am not sure of it but, I might just give it a shot this time. At least, I make my move, my act of faith ^^ - Surely I would need to pray for it first and counsel my parents because I actually am looking for another chance for another kind of job. But didn't I wish for a new job and now the chance is given, what I'm going to do with it is my choice ;)

See, sometimes it works that way, we have the faith and we ask for God's help and in return, God is asking us to do something. In several things, be still and know that God is God is true but in some cases, God also requires us to stop whining, complaining, dreaming and start doing something :) - our decision would determine the course of our life direction either it would be a status quo or another thrilling adventure with God.

So, shut your mouth and start to do something with your faith. I pray that God will give you the clarity and His peace to do what you need to do in the alignment of His plans in your life. God bless you!

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