Monday, January 23, 2012

the virtue of love.

Love means to love that which is unlovable; or it is no virtue at all. -G.K. Chesterton

LOVE. would it be easy for you to say I LOVE YOU to someone? it is easy to love someone when things are going smooth. it is easy to love someone if he or she is lovable, kind, nice, wonderful to us. it is easy to love someone in a good condition. 


Our REAL LOVE is tested when we face the unlovable. when we're in a condition when everything seems like a mess. when someone is being annoying, irritating, completely a pain in the ass. 


the fact is, it is never easy to love someone who's so unlovable. someone who's different from us. someone who has a different point of view from us. someone who has hurt us. someone who is completely an annoying jerk. someone whom we cannot understand.


when we survive the hardships, we then know that our LOVE is REAL and the hardships mark our LOVE with A VIRTUE. we have gone through it and still our LOVE prevails.

32 “If you love only those who love you, why should you get credit for that? Even sinners love those who love them! 33 And if you do good only to those who do good to you, why should you get credit? Even sinners do that much! 34 And if you lend money only to those who can repay you, why should you get credit? Even sinners will lend to other sinners for a full return.
 35 “Love your enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for he is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked. 36 You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate. (LUKE 6:32-36)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2012 resolutions.

Resolution :the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose. (

We live with a purpose and with a purpose we live. Purpose defines our destination, the goal we want to reach, the direction we want to go. I don't really make resolutions on every new year, because for me, it would be a waste in the end and would be another things to repeat again in the next year :) - well, i don't really stick to my resolutions anyway, thought it was something that would limit me.

But i was wrong, we do need to set a purpose to direct our lives and to make it more manageable and focused. thus, i decided to make some resolutions and ensure myself that I would really keep my commitment to it :) - after a moment of contemplating and thinking, here goes my 2012 resolutions in which by God's grace, i hope i can fulfilled it.

yes, relationship is part of my resolution this year. what i mean by relationship is not just limited on the romance relationship but covering every relational aspects in my life. why did i put this as my resolution? well, after doing a little flash back and reflecting on past experiences. i realised that i need to improve myself in this area. my past mistake was to let myself into toxic relationships that have led me into bitterness and hurt. In this case i let people get close to me too fast, when in fact some of them should just stand outside the front gate :) – this year, i want to make it clear to myself that i really need to be wise and careful not to let just anyone into my inner circle. i also want to learn to stand on my own and not to let other people easily take advantage from me, because i think i cared to much on how people think about me instead of nurturing myself in a good way :D - building networking and finding a community that is able to challenge me to further explore my talents and abilities is also one of this resolution. 

other than that, my resolution is to fix the relationship with my family. It’s been a while that i really pay attention or spend time with them more. thus, my resolution is to strengthen my relationship with them as well by spending enough time with them and care about them even more.

so far i can only play guitar on limited keys :D – i’ve written some songs with those limited keys and i think it’s time for me to expand my ability in playing this music instrument. my goal is to master several more keys and write more songs and if possible, upload it somewhere to get some audience. BIG PROJECT i know but it has to start NOW. Ugh!

my goal in photography is to have my own mini studio and start to work as a freelance photographer. due to that goal, i will have to improve my skill by learning from the best. so far, i have joined a photography community at the office and also building networking with other photographers via any possible medias. I have joined several workshops to improve my skill and also build a portfolio on wordpress. My next goal this year is to take more photos and dare to submit my works into any photography competitions.

this year, i also determined to write more. writing is a therapeutic thing for me and also one of my passion. for me, to write is to learn. to begin the resolution i am determined to blog more. i have also started to write a novel and i wish i can finish it this year (and get it published, hopefully :p).

New job
this goal has actually been there for the last two years, lol! I do wish this year i can get a new job. I don’t really expect to move out from the company but i expect to get a job on other division or department. It’s been so tiring to work in the field that i don’t really enjoy, thus, i need to get a new job that is more suitable for me. i already got some offers but so far all the offers are all in the same field as i am now. so, i haven’t really given any of them a thought.

Mission trip
Thailand has been a dear place in my heart and i hope that i finally can go for a mission trip in thailand this year. Maybe a week or two. Haven’t really decide when and how long but i know whom i want to work with. It’s either YWAM Thailand or In Search of Sanuk. I might have to spend some time to really pray for this.

Another thing i want to pursue this year is in the area of education. I am still praying for this. Either i want to take a Master’s Degree in communication or pursue an additional education in Design and Media. I haven’t quite decided what I want to take. For sure, I wish whatever that I’m taking is going to be something that would support my future career (shifting). I love learning something new and I hope I can really decide what I really want to learn according to my passion.

Church Ministry
This year, I have decided to move into a new church. But, this year also I have decided to step down from any kind of church ministry involvement :) – WHY? I believe that you can do a ministry everywhere and to everyone. Being a blessing is not only inside the four church walls but outside as well. It’s my decision for this year as I want to focus on other “ministry” outside the church organization.

Spiritual growth
Spiritual growth is a never ending journey. I think we should grow in our relationship with God daily and that’s the thing that I’m chasing. The past three years have been wild wicked days for my relationship with God. This year, I determined to try to spend more time on my daily devotion and prayer time. I need to focus more to God and seek His will. Nothing I desire more than to have a deeper relationship with Him. 

By God's grace, may I have the strength and determination to fulfill it :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

His Beloved.

The most beautiful feeling in this world is probably the feeling of being loved. You might be a cold hearted bitch or a psychotic bastard, but I bet your heart will always have a soft spot for LOVE. No one in this world could ever resist the feeling of being loved, most of the resistance case comes from the facts that one could be resistant to love because they don’t understand how to respond, because they don’t understand how to express love or because they’re not used to be loved. But whatever the reaction and reason are, LOVE prevails.

The reason why I’m writing this on my blog is because I guess, there are people in this world that are in doubt about themselves, whether they are being loved or not, whether they are worth to be loved or not. I wish this post could be a reminder that no matter what you feel right now, look around and pay attention to every little thing and you’ll know that you are loved. You’re always loved.

All of us are be loved. At a certain degree, we need to feel loved and if the need is not met, our life would be unbalanced. Easy, to be loved is a need as much as to love or maybe, even greater.

People found love in the form of Parental love, love between siblings, love between friends, love between two human beings attached by the same fate, the same background or sympathy and love between lovers.

When someone feels rejected I completely believe that he/she would never have lived his/her life to its maximum potential. It’s easy, when we don’t feel loved, it affected our self esteem and confidence. I’ve seen hurting people and most of the root of their hurt is the feeling of being unloved.

There’s no one in this world is perfect and there’s no guarantee that no one will ever hurt us or make us feel unloved. That makes sense because the amount of love that we all have is very limited. Feelings tend to change according to the circumstances we’re in or in the way other people is treating us and making us feel. Thus, no one is capable of giving a perfect love.

I was raised in a family where I need to strive for perfection. Comparison to other people “better” than me is like a daily doze for me. I somehow feel like to be loved is something that I have to earn by trying hard, by being perfect. That thing affected my self esteem so bad for I became someone who’s awkward towards other people and so afraid of making mistake. I tend to be sensitive and care too much about what other people say about me. I’m so afraid that people might hate me for who I really am.

It was until God found me. He gave me a new meaning of love, I don’t have to try to be perfect in order to be loved. I just need to be me, because God wants me just as I am. God is the only person in my life who loves me perfectly. In life, people would disappoint me, people would hurt me, things would happen and sometimes they don’t go the way I want them to. Yet, God will always have something to comfort me. He does that in many ways and in my life, I know that He always make sure that I am never alone :')

And in my life, God goes into details. He knows exactly the things that would make me happy, laugh or simply smile. If He's my boyfriend, He'd be the perfect boyfriend ever. oh wait! He is my perfect boyfriend :D - I am a person who loves to be surprised with small meaningful things and with God, it's always like that. He doesn't always give me what I want but for sure, He always give me what I need and always, I say it again, ALWAYS in the perfect timing. I think I have never ever loved by someone as much as He loves me. He made me feel precious, He made me feel special, He's so personal in everything that He does for me. He taught me things, He challenged me, He simply is the best.

Not that everything goes well just because He loves me that much. Many time I ran away from Him, I did bad things, I made mistakes, terrible ones but still He never let me go. Maybe it's hard for you to understand this, but...relationship with Jesus, with God, is personal. You know, when you are in a relationship with someone, that relationship is personal. It's between you and your partner. Although the impact might affect other people around you but what's exactly going in the relationship is only between you and your partner. The chemistry is between you and your partner, sometimes it's hard for you to explain the feelings you have towards your partner or the process you've been through together to other people because they don't experience it. It works the same in our relationship with God, those who have never experienced something personal with God would find it hard to understand what's going on with those who have experienced something personal with God. 

As far as I concern, God is not someone who's so far away to be reached. Sometimes people think that they need to do something to reach for God, the fact is, He is so simple that when you ask, He shall answer. that when you open your heart, He will come. He speaks in ways you would understand and for sure, He loves you right where you are. Things might go nasty in your life, shipwrecked, messy and definitely out of control but when you know that someone loves you (and God does) it will give you strength to move on, to survive, to strive and you'll be surprised when you finally get out of those things, you are someone better and stronger. 

It is important to feel loved and it is also important to know how to receive the love given to you. I've met people who don't even know how to receive love because they just don't know what to do with the love given to them when what they need to do is just received it. They resent the love given to them because they fail to believe that they deserve the love or that they are worth to be loved that much. For me they are the saddest people on earth. Open up a little bit and let some love in, you'll be surprised at how it will change you. 

For sure, as i've said before, love comes in many forms not just love between lovers, so open up your heart a bit and see things from a different perspective then you'll get to know that you are loved beyond measure ;) - you are loved when you are still breathing. you are loved when you are able to hear, to see, to touch. you are loved even when you can't see, can't hear because you can feel. you are loved when the rain falls, you are loved when the sun is shining, you are loved when you are forgiven, you are loved when you are given second chances, you are loved when you fail, you are loved when you succeed, you are loved when you are lost, you are loved when you find the way home, you are loved with everything you are and in you. the prove is: even the bad guys have friends. it means, there's still is love even in the hopeless place. (just like Rihanna's song :D)

And in that hopeless place, God is calling you His beloved. He never give up on you, open your heart a bit then you might understand that sometimes, coincidences in your life is God's way to get in touch with you anonymously :)

Monday, January 09, 2012

Love Wins Pt. 1

Well, I finally bought this book by Rob Bell. I already owned his first book Velvet Elvis, which was quite controversial yet speaking a harsh truth about Christian faith and relationship with God. And I'm expecting much of this book, probably another controversial point of view but nevertheless it's always interesting to learn something different than the common thoughts. 

I will try to post more about what I learn from this book in a hope, we would learn together about God. Bid thee farewell for now, see you soon!

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Psalm 4:23.

"Keep your heart with all diligence, 
For out of it spring the issues of life"

.definitely not the easiest thing to do.

.I am SHER-locked.

okay, those who have been very observant of me might have noticed that i am so in love with Sherlock Holmes. well, i have fancied the stories of an eccentric detective and enjoyed the Sherlock Holmes movies but what made me hardly in love with Sherlock Holmes is the BBC's version of Sherlock Holmes, or should i say, i fall hardly in love with BBC's version of Sherlock Holmes (in which i think Benedict Cumberbatch has really done a fantastic job in playing the role).

BBC's Sherlock Holmes mini series portrayed Sherlock Holmes as a modern 21st century man, in which we would have found him going back and forth checking on his phone, looking up for data in the internet and simply use our modern tech to solve his cases. In this mini series, Sherlock and Dr. Watson each have a website and a blog. You can even look it up in the internet and read it. Very funny and the touch makes it feels as if they were real.

What amused me the most is the fact of how smart and observant this Sherlock has been. Well, of course the other Sherlock movies that I've seen were ones of Robert Downey Jr. in which i think were rather to the slacker part and eccentric part of Sherlock instead of highlighting what kind of genius he could be by just being observant and making his points accurately.

I am not the type of person who would easily got carried away by the hip things but once i got my eyes on ones that really attracted me, i'd be a loyal fans. Those who knows me know that i am deadly in love with a musician named Jonas Myrin, I watched The Lord of The Rings Trilogy for I don't even know how many times already, I can even recited some of the dialogues and even read the books in less than a month and still thinks that it's the greatest epic movie, I watched My Best Friend's Wedding and Love Actually for I don't know how many times that I guess I can even tell you what's going to happen on screen just by listening to the background music, I have loved peach flavour since a friend of mine gave me peach chocolate and yes, those who knows me knows better than once I repeatedly talk about something it means I'm really into that something. 

Okay, back to Sherlock. As someone who is also pretty much observant yet a bit ignorant and awkward regarding the relationship with other people, I am drawn into the character and the profile of Sherlock Holmes. I don't have proper knowledge about basic stuffs, something that my mother always giving comment about but I do have certain interest on certain things that which not much people giving an attention too. I can be very observant and remembering details than I should necessarily remember. For me, that could be the worse curse ever. However, I always adore smart people and the fact that Sherlock can always conclude something just by the things he has read, he has seen or he has heard definitely blown me away. Being observant turned out can be the greatest gift ever. 

I once talked to a friend, suggesting that we could both be private investigators because both of us loved to look for information in places that sometimes people aren't so aware of even when it's right under their nose. I sometimes think that if I am followed or stalked by someone like me, that would be very scary. Well, of course I cannot stalk my own self, or maybe I should try :) - oh wait, i did try once and i was quite surprised by the results. Anyway, I fancy smart men and the Sherlock character in the mini series could really make me gasp. He's odd, eccentric, smart, observant, rather arrogant and self conceit, blatantly honest (without even thinking if his words can be such a piercing statement) yet he also has a kind and gentle heart. Seriously, this the kind of man to die for if you have the equal intelligence and able to play his game. Like Irene Adler.
Alright, see I am getting start to rambling about this Sherlock thing. I'd better stop before I start writing about the whole series, LOL! and yes, I never wrong in picking a genius because the man who played Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch has also been appearing in many roles in other movies and he's so darn good. Good grace!

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Ben Abraham.

This dude ROCKS! he's like my new favourite singer and songwriter after Jonas Myrin. Love him!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012


14 “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” 15 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.” Exodus 14:14-15

I read this verse on Pastor Steven Furtick's blogpost about Faith. For me personally, the "move on" part is the most interesting part :)

As you all know from my previous posts, I've been struggling a lot to survive a broken relationship (I know I have been talking about this subject over and over again, but then again, this blog was also intended as a theraphy for me. So bear with me for a while ;)). The hardest part was because the person is still all around me because we do have the same circle of friends and none of them know exactly what's going on. I'm just gonna let them be because It's unnecessary to disclose things that are not for public consumption to respect my privacy and the related person's privacy. If they ever figured it out for sure it's not going to be from me :)

Anyway, speaking of the broken relationship, of course moving on is one of the crucial part other than forgiving. When I was hurt, I prayed for God to give me strength to forgive and move on. I cried a river. BUT, I still somehow looking at the person's social media's account, checking on him, how is he doing and so on. Then when I remember about everything he did that hurt me or when I noticed things about him that made me sad, I cried again and I prayed for strength to move on. It was always like that, until I feel like doing an endless game.


And this requires my action and decision as well. Thus, this new year, one of my resolutions is to STOP checking on him and cutting all possible relation with him. I don't care if some people might think of me as a bad unloving and unforgiving person for doing such because HEY, they're not in my shoes and they definitely don't know what I really feel. I love myself more and I will definitely do anything to keep myself from getting hurt again and to REALLY move on. I can't rely on my own strength, risking myself with things that I know will only make me paralyzed, I need God's grace and help to move on and for sure He also needs to see if I'm being serious about that :) - it's not that i don't care about that person that I do this, but it's because I care about myself and that person enough to keep a safe distance so we won't hurt each other any further. That's so unhealthy.

So when I read the verse, I can totally relate to that, LOL! I can't just keep on crying to God asking for help when I don't even do a thing to help me move on :). Not only in relationship area but this also applies in other areas as well. Like work, family, business, ministry and so on. I can give you another example.

Recently, I have been thinking to resign from my current job. Things happen at the office which no longer give me the peace to work there. So, I desperately wishing for a new job. I always say that I want to move out, I want to resign. BUT, I haven't really done anything to make it come true. I wish for a career shift to do something that I'd love to do more. BUT, again, I haven't done anything. Yet, I am determined to do it in 2012, a new job is part of my new year's resolutions.

And earlier today, a friend of mine offered me a job at one company. Actually, I've been offered the job at this company for I don't know how many times yet I declined because I don't think that I would like the idea of the same job at a different company. Yet, the offer kept coming back until today, it seems like chasing me all the way down, LOL! I still am not sure of it but, I might just give it a shot this time. At least, I make my move, my act of faith ^^ - Surely I would need to pray for it first and counsel my parents because I actually am looking for another chance for another kind of job. But didn't I wish for a new job and now the chance is given, what I'm going to do with it is my choice ;)

See, sometimes it works that way, we have the faith and we ask for God's help and in return, God is asking us to do something. In several things, be still and know that God is God is true but in some cases, God also requires us to stop whining, complaining, dreaming and start doing something :) - our decision would determine the course of our life direction either it would be a status quo or another thrilling adventure with God.

So, shut your mouth and start to do something with your faith. I pray that God will give you the clarity and His peace to do what you need to do in the alignment of His plans in your life. God bless you!

work in progress.

you will find similar sign whenever you're passing a building construction, a road construction, a website construction and everything in construction :D 


what does it mean by work in progress? it means that there is a work that is still going on. a progress itself talks about movement, improvement, growth, to increase and to advance toward a higher or better stage. for example, you cannot build a house instantly, you will need to do a series of stages to do it and each stage is worked on after the previous stage is done, it's a step by step process.

LIFE is pretty much the same. We will continue to grow until the day we die, not just physically but we grow in our character, we grow in our emotions and we grow in our spiritual life as well. We grow in stages, step by step, falling and getting up again, making mistakes and learning from them. Thus, LIFE is WORK IN PROGRESS :)

in the Bible, God speaks a lot about spiritual growth. He speaks about being a growing spiritual infant into a mature man of Christ. yes, even when you have received Christ as your savior, growth doesn't happen instantly. it doesn't happen just over night just like a baby doesn't grow into an adult in an instant. again, it's a work in progress.

i have learned a lot in the past 3 years that GRACE is required for everyone during the work in progress. GRACE is required not only for those who are growing but also for those who have gone a little bit farther. this has to do with PRIDE.

i am a PROUD person. sometimes i love to be told that i am right. sometimes i love to be the one who's RIGHT. spare the arguments. i can be such a headstrong. i am not ashamed to admit it, because that's the fact. it's not a good thing and it's also my downfall. at times, i would think that i am more right than the other person, that i know better, that i THINK i am better in any way.

HAPPY or NOT HAPPY. i was totally wrong. i thought by having better thoughts, better theories or better knowledge i was indeed BETTER. nope. i wasn't. in fact i drew farther from God, i drew away from the people i used to know. not nice. i know :) - until i did a little reflection and reading some post about GRACE from my friend's blog (here) i know that i've been lacking of grace. towards other people and sometimes even towards myself. i know that at times i've been so demanding, i expect other people to fulfill a certain standard and if they don't, i tend to look down on them. i felt like i was better and more right than them. when in fact, i'm not. i've been dealing with some issues that are challenging and that time, i know that i am not always right. that i have been taking a lot things for granted.

when i stood there in the midst of the mess. regretting everything i've done. humiliated. sad. confused and lonely. that's when God came and told me that, after all, He still wants me, because He knows that i am a work in progress. i don't come clean and perfect. i am full of dirt and flaws. yet, He knows, i am in a process of getting better. GRACE is a gift given to the undeserving. i know that i don't deserve anything from God, yet His grace is covering me, enabling me to receive everything from God including His love and the same grace is the thing that i should also give to other people.

just like a building construction, things might look so ugly, dusty, things are scattered everywhere and it's so hard to imagine that it will a great building. it's the same with people, no one is perfect, everyone is a work in progress. it might look ugly and it might be so hard to even love them sometimes, but well, be gracious anyway because everyone has their own battle, their own struggle and their own work in progress. A might be impatient, B might be forgetful, C might be reckless, D might be the biggest liar, E might be the most selfish person on earth and you could be the one with the worst flaw. Thus, be gracious towards one another. help one another to improve for the better, confront you friends if they have done something wrong, yet confront them out of love not with self-righteousness. be a little kinder than necessary and be gracious - that's what i learned ;)

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Comfort for 2012.

Happy New Year 2012!

So, this is the first day of 2012. It falls on Sunday and my twitter timeline is flooded with the #firstservice2012 hastags :)

Anyway, 2011 has been a quite hard year for me, lots of issue with relationships that is so exhausting and energy draining. In the end of the year, I got the chance for a week escapade to Singapore. Honestly, I never quite love the city. Everyone seems like in a rush all the time and it's hard to feel a heart warming kindness there. However, I adore how everything is so organized and how public transport is so easy, clean and also convenient :) A week of escapade really helps me not to think about everything that has been weighing my heart for the past year. It's always nice to travel somewhere where no one knows you and just enjoy the moment. Not that relaxing there but surely filled with many wonderful things including new experiences which bring a lot of excitement. 

I got back on the 29th of December, just 3 days before new year. I had a night flight and arrived at home almost midnight. I spent the next day sleeping and resting because my feet hurt like hell from too much walking (gosh, i start to feel OLD!). The last 3 days before new year were awesome. I got so many encouragement including one that I got earlier this morning. 

I have been thinking a lot about the relationships that I have and I have made my decision to cut the relationship with the toxic people and those who are no longer align with me. This is necessary because I think I have been letting a lot of people come too close that they are able to hurt me bad. Thus, I'm reviewing and rethinking all the relationships that I have. It's good to have many friends, but it's better to have several close ones who will support you and encourage you to be the person you're meant to be. Those who won't do any sugar coating talk with you, those who are honest and fair and those who will stand with you through thick and thin. It is easy to find people to laugh with but it's never easy to find people to cry with. People can be deceiving, so never trust a good face but trust a good heart

As I have said in my previous post, I have been severely hurt by someone and it's not only breaking my heart but also ripping me off my confidence. People might say that I'm reacting too much, but then again, they're not in my shoes so I don't give a damn about whatever they might say behind my back. I'm glad that I have some best friends who are willing to walk with me through it all. Encouraging me, supporting me and even stand for me when I can't even stand for myself. I am so thankful for them - in times like this, you really get to know whom you can really call as your true friends :')

During my reflection moment, I got several encouragements from various random sources that spoke of the same thing. 

1. Forgiveness

there's a saying that said : "forgiveness is the attribute for the strong." i think this is so right because to forgive someone means you're letting go your rights to take revenge on whatever they've done to you. it's not easy and seriously, if you can do it, it's grace and i really mean it. I'm still struggling on this particular area until today. I haven't been much of a grudge holder, I usually shake things off easily or just simply ignore the irritating things but seriously, with that particular someone (that I have mentioned before) it is so hard to forgive, partly maybe because i used to love him. yeah, the worst pain is one caused by the one you love. and my daily devotion on 31st of December just a day before the new year, talked about this verse '...forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another...' Colossians 3:13 NIV and about the necessity of starting the new year right by letting go and forgive. LOL! for me, that's clearly a slap in the face :D

2. Healing

The next thing that I got is this post my a friend of mine on my Blackberry Group:
"I feel like the Lord gave me a word for somebody, "Your broken, lonely, sad heart will be healed!! SOMEONE good is coming into your life!!! Don't give up!!" - Pastor Mark Leonard. The post was actually posted on the 29th but I just read it on the 31st. I cried reading the post because at that time, I really felt exactly like what it said and somehow I could feel as if God is hugging me. I know God knows what I've felt all along and the message of healing came right on time. It really encouraged my heart. Somehow there's a good faith that all the tears will be over and I will rejoice in the healing that God will bring into my life :')

3. Better Relationship

I have been thinking of this. I finally made a decision and it's including finding people that are align with me, that will help me to become a better person so I can bless other people and also people who will challenge me spiritually. I also made a decision to limit my interaction to people whom I know will drag me down instead of helping me up. It might sound selfish but it is necessary to help me to become a better person in order to help and bless other people too. It's a chain reaction and a bad start can ruin the whole thing. Earlier this morning a post on Jaeson Ma's facebook (Jaeson Ma is a young pastor from LA) said things like this:

"We must have a DEEP sense of purpose and the will to fulfill it..WE MUST...resolve old, unfinished business and eliminate toxic people and attitudes from our lives. We must...Work hard, have long periods of study and CONCENTRATED efforts. WE must...Withdraw and sever ties with people who are not truly aligned with our long term interests...(FINALLY!) Focus exclusively on your ambitions and what is important to you. ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS AND MOVE FORWARD!!! God is love." --- Happy 2012!"
the words in bold are my own emphasizing and reading that, it feels like a confirmation of my decision on relationships. thus, I know that I'm heading towards the right direction :) - I pray that in 2012, God will bring me to meet more new people, people that would teach me a lot about Him, about life and about many other things that will help me to improve to the better. I also pray that in 2012, God will open the door of opportunities for a new job and a new experience with Him. And if you happen to read this, I pray that you will have a great year ahead, open your heart and listen well, God is all around you and He'll guide your path :D
So, welcome 2012. Let's start all over again.