Friday, December 02, 2011

oy oy oy!

whoa, i haven't been writing for ages! well, except for the random scribbles on papers and my unfinished story XD. i think i need to write again and that's why i'm back in this blog to challenge myself to write more. i have two other blogs to manage actually, one is my photoblog (here) and my travel blog (here), so yes, i'm jumping around here and there A LOT! (one of my bad habit if i have to confess: being random too much - LOL!).
after a few changes, this blog is officially named as "The Rest Of The Story Is Still Unwritten". the reason why i choose the name is because it portrays hope, a space given for more stories to be written, to be told, to be shared in this space. it's about looking forward to the future, to keep the faith that each piece of the stories will fit itself to serve greater purpose. 
another reason why i write again (other than to challenge myself) is because i will use writing as my theraphy. a hard thing happened to me this past year and to be honest, i somehow starting to lose my focus in life (which is not a good thing) and i become too much aware of things and peple because i'm getting afraid of being hurt (again).

so, writing will be my theraphy to try to put things back together and to teach me to see things from a different perspective. i might write some mellow poems or writing but i will try to do it less, so it won't make anyone feel depressed :p - welcome to the ride with me! :D

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