When I was in a Christian book store one day, I came across a book with an interesting title, "The Bad Girls of The Bible" - it was a book discussing about the women labeled as bad in the history of the Bible and their roles in God's plan for salvation. I think that's interesting that God never use the perfect people to fulfill His plan and talking about "Bad Girls" - I think I can pretty much relate to that.
Knowing my on-off relationship with God, knowing how broken I am, knowing that my life is such a mess and knowing that I screw up most of the time...nothing can make me qualified to be called as someone that GOD would love and my love for God...it fails every time. But Heaven knows best that I'm trying.
God knows how difficult I am to be loved sometimes. God knows how broken I am and how messed up I am. He knows me to the very details of my life, the ugly and the bad. I'm struggling to receive His love, because it's simply hard for my mind to understand that how come someone loves me just the way I am with all the extra luggage that I carry in my life.
A father shared his story in the church this morning. His son did something bad and to discipline the son, he was grounded. Later at night when the father tucked his son in his bed, his son asked him, "Daddy, do you still love me?" stunned by his son's question the father said, "Of course I love you, why did you ask?" his son then answered him, "Because I've been bad, maybe you love me less.." and the father replied, "No, I still love you and know that just because you are grounded it doesn't mean that I love you less." -- and that's how God's love for us.
Sometimes, when we're going bad, God will discipline us (for our own good) and it doesn't mean that He loves us less. I'm glad that He's that way. I know I messed up most of the time but He's always there for me, loving me and helping to clean up all the mess.
I know how hard it is to try to be perfect just to be loved. I know how painful it is to be someone you're not just to be accepted. I know how heart breaking it is when you've tried your best but it seems like it's not enough. That's why I'm glad that I don't have to impress God to make Him love me, I don't have to be perfect to make Him love me and I don't have to be anyone else just to make Him love me and He expect nothing from me. He demand nothing in return.
The Cross, is the proof of His love for me and you. It's not something that He did to make us guilty for not loving Him enough (because hey, how do you know when enough is enough when it comes to returning His love to you?). The Cross is a reminder that God loves us nonetheless. The Bible does make a point when it says that God loves us even when we are still sinners.
His love is mind-blowing and I'm glad that I am loved by God and I know, I will always be loved by Him no matter what. To add the joy, He loves you too :)
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