Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Finding The Reason WHY.


...is the common question we’re asking when we’re faced with a situation that’s out of our hands or something unexpectedly bad happen to us.

It’s very natural to question WHY, it’s very normal to ask WHY, because there are things in the world that we cannot quite understand why they happened to us.

Sometimes we feel as if we’re living life just as we should. We’ve been good, we’ve been nice but then why do the bad things happen anyway? Well, I cannot quite give you the answer why. It’s something greater than our understanding and I guess, that’s just how life is.

I lost a best friend two days ago. It was a painful loss. He was a dear, dear friend. Then later on, I got another news that a friend was missing at the sea because the ship he was on, was drown by a sudden storm. Until now, we haven’t heard anything about him. It’s hard. I still met him last week. We were still joking around and now his whereabout is unknown.

Yesterday was a rough day.

I want to ask God, I want to question Him, I want to know...WHY.

WHY my friends? WHY people who are dear to me? WHY them? WHY so sudden?

Yet, I’m tightlipped and I can’t even utter a word to Him. I’m sad and angry, but deep inside I know I want to believe that God must have something in mind, something that I don’t understand for now. I know that God is good and when He let something happens, He definitely knows what He’s doing.

The question WHY doesn’t always come in the same envelope with the answer and to wait for the answer can be so freaking hard. It’s not easy at all. It’s not.

In this hard time, I am reminded by a verse that said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Matt. 5 : 4, NIV) or in other translation the same verse said, “You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.” (Matt. 5 : 4, TMB) – I think the verse is perfect for my situation.

It’s been hard accepting the loss but somehow I can feel that God is comforting me in ways that He knows will definitely give me comfort.

And that’s just how life is..things make us laugh, things make us cry. Life will still go on and time doesn’t pause just to give us time to grieve, no it’s not. Everything goes on and we should to. When there is pain, we don’t pretend we’re not hurting. We stop. We grieve. We cry and weep. Then, we go on.

For those whom we have lost, let’s just send some light and love. For those who lost your loved ones, just grieve properly and let them go. It’s hard, I know. But they wouldn’t want you to keep on grieving and stop living.

For those in difficult situations that you cannot understand why everything is happening to you, keep holding on, keep the faith. God is not leaving you. He’s with you, He’s holding your hand and He knows what He’s doing. Hang in there, help is on the way.

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