Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Hunger Games.

The Hunger Games is another movie made based on the best selling book with the same title written by Suzanne Collins. I haven't read the book so if I have to judge based on the movie, well, the movie has a predictable ending and plot. The actions are just okay and nothing is really great about the movie except for the eye-makeups -I'm totally blown away by Cinna's gold eyeliner and Katniss eye-makeup when she's crowned as the victor- and the gorgeous flame wardrobe wore by Katniss.

However there were two messages that totally caught my attention. It's about hope and about sticking to the values that you have. Let's talk about these two things (watch out! this might contain some spoilers)

in the beginning of the movie, when Katniss was suppose to show her skill to the sponsors, she made an impressive move that led her to gain the highest score among the other tributes.

the president of the capitol then called the head game maker of the game, telling him that he should try to withhold himself not to give too much "hope" because hope is the only thing that can overcome fear

and HOPE was indeed the only factor you need to win the hunger games. throughout the movie we can see how Katniss survived her life by relying on the hope she got from many sources including her wardrobe designer, Cinna and her trainer, Haymitch. it's great to have people who will believe in you and will always be there for you when you need them. it keeps the HOPE alive and thus, it will help you to overcome the fears in your life and help you to survive the hardships. so whatever come your way, don't ever give up and lose HOPE. it's the only thing that will help you to get through.

one thing that Peeta, Katniss' partner from district 12 hoped for was not to let the game changed who he really was and then in the end of the game, Katniss did something to show the capitol that they wouldn't play by the rule.

in life, we need to stand for ourselves and hold on to our values in life because if we don't hold on something, we'd fall for anything. everything and everyone around us can affect us, if we don't have the courage to stand our ground then no one else will do that for us. 

honesty, integrity and endurance are hard to find nowadays. people would prefer to do everything the easy way and many of them are willing to do anything just to be accepted or to get what they want. that's the game the world is playing and if you don't play by the rule somehow you will get left out. those who do the right things will get through the hard things sometimes but the reaction they choose to do is what differ them and in the end they will reap what they sow. 

don't give up in doing the right things, don't give up in being kind and don't give up in being loving because you will always reap what you sow. stand your ground and hold on to your values in life, they won't fail you.

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