Thursday, October 29, 2015

Day Three : I want you to be perfect! (Not)

The quote above is a slap on the face for me because so many times I put on high standard on other people, expecting them to be perfect when they are still human and by being human, all of us are prone to mistakes and mishaps. 

It is easier to judge other people than to look at our ows flaws, sometimes I think we expect other people to be perfect because we realise that we are not perfect and we are upset because of that and we take it on other people.

I do that too, sometimes I can be very frontal and come out very harsh, when I see other people making mistakes, so something wrong or do something stupid (according to my opinion). Me and my super high standards do need a slap in the face. Sometimes I forget that other people can make mistakes (like me) and forget that people have their own reasons and background of why they are doing what they do, no matter how stupid, silly or wrong it might seems to me.

It doesn't mean that we should be ingorant when we see someone is doing the wrong thing but we need to remind them with love not with intention of judging their mistakes because keeping the relationship is way more important than winning an argument.

The Bible says that we need to love other people as we love ourselves, meaning that our capability in loving other people will only be as much as our capability in loving ourselves. If we can't love ourselves we can't love other people, if we often judge and condemn ourselves more likely we will do the same to other people as well, so maybe we need to first be kind and forgiving to ourselves, to accept that it is okay to make mistakes, it is okay to have flaws and it is okay to do wrong things because after all we are work in progress and maybe if we finally able to make peace with ourselves we can make peace with others too :) 

“Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” -- Ephesians 4:32 NLT

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