Thursday, March 21, 2013

About Life.

In life, I've learned a few things and those few things turn into a list and the list might go longer than these...*smile*

Just because someone is good to you, doesn’t mean they are good for you, you need to look beyond their kindness. In fact, you might even need some tough people in your life to help you grow. 

Managing expectations will save you from unnecessary heartbreaks and disappointments – we often hurt not by what we found but by what we hope to be found. Sometimes we set our expectations to high without even bother to see the reality. It doesn’t mean that we cannot have a dream or a hope, but make sure that we manage our heart’s capacity to deal what’s going to happen along the way.

It’s worth to have a little adventure to discover your passion – be brave to try everything and find something that you really like to do. Open yourself to know new people and do new things. You might never know where life would take you. Enjoy the ride, take the risk and fly!

Sometimes you will fall for the right person in the wrong time and the wrong person in the right time and that’s okay. No matter how irritating, exhausting and heart breaking it might be, one thing for sure. Every relationship that crossed path with us meant to help us grow better and make us know what kind of person do we really want to spend our lives with. Just believe that if something is meant for us, it will eventually happen. Just enjoy your moment in falling in love and never be sorry for loving someone, it's a precious feeling. 

Fall in love with the real person not with what you imagine of the person is very important. Taking time in getting to know someone is worth more that speeding up the process and let your heart fall uncontrollably. When we are attracted to someone, we tend to “close our eyes” to the bad things we see from that someone and building a certain imagination about that someone or worse maybe that person only shows you want he/she wants you to see. Well,  take it slow and decide wisely. Remember, managing your expectations is very important ;) - drag along your best friend, someone you know would be honest enough to tell you the truth. she/he might be able to help you see the reality.

It’s never right to be someone you’re not just to make people love you – because you are you. It is tiring and also hurting to try to be someone you are not just to fit in or just to make people love you. If they can’t love you for who you really are, maybe they’re not the right people for you and you should move on. 

Happiness is the thing you choose for yourself, it doesn’t depend on anything or anyone. Never let anything or anyone steal your joy. Happiness is your choice, you might not able to change your circumstances but you can always change the way you react on things. Remember that no one is responsible for your happiness but yourself. No matter how tough your situation is, you can always choose to be grateful and joyful.

You will become the five people you spend most of your time with – have you ever heard a phrase that says,“show me your friends and I will show you your future.” That phrase is true. Choose wisely the people you want to be in your inner circle because more or less they will be the greatest impact in you life. People who are closely related or spend most time with each other will eventually adapting similar behaviour and thinking. Thus, choose wisely what kind of people you are letting into your inner circle, are they affecting you in a positive way? do they build you to become better?

Never compromise your life values -- it's not worth it.

P.R.O.C.R.A.S.T.I.N.A.T.I.N.G is a dangerous word. Never wait until tomorrow to do the things you can do today. It will save your ass from much trouble in the future and for sure, it will lead you to many new opportunities.

Those friends who stick with you through thick and thin for all seasons...keep them and appreciate them. Don't take them for granted. They are the gems in your life.

Never lose the sense of wonder or else your life will be very boring. Open your eyes to see everything and be excited. Never lose your passion and enthusiasm. Just strip off the boring adult pride and be like a kid in a wonderland. It will help you to see things in different perspective.

Doing something for other people will not just help them but also do yourself a help. doing a good thing will make you feel good and it's good for your soul & your heart. by opening yourself to the need of other people will help you to see that you're not the only miserable soul in this world and by helping other people you are also helping yourself in realising that you actually have the strength you need to overcome your hardships.

Give and it shall be given to you -- is a true statement. giving not always talking about material things but also time and attention. people think that giving will make them poor or lack of something, yet by holding back it won't make them richer or content. when you give to people, it will come back to you, not always from the same people  but it will come back to you in a way and through anyone.

Celebrate small achievements because it's important. don't wait until you get big achievement to celebrate. just celebrate yourself, pat yourself in the shoulder and let yourself know that you've done a good job. be grateful before you're becoming too busy to even celebrate the smallest things in your life - enjoy your moments! ;)

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