Monday, July 16, 2012

True Love.

"Love is not blind. True love sees everything and still love anyway."

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mendaki Gunung, Lewati Lembah.

post ini adalah hasil dari perjalanan mencari taksi tempo hari. setelah pulang dari acara farewell salah seorang teman kantor di FX, karena malas melihat antrian taksi yang adjubile panjangnya, gw memutuskan untuk mencari taksi di luar FX.

pertama gw jalan ke trotoar pinggiran Hotel Century, sekitar 15 menit kemudian ada taksi kosong lewat dan begitu gw cegat, si supir langsung kasih tanda ga ngangkut penumpang (alias dadah2 doang). terus nunggu sekitar setengah jam lagi, ada satu taksi kosong lewat dan again begitu gw cegat, si supir dadah2 lagi. sampe sempet mikir, malem ini supir taksi pada centil amat sik, berasa Putri Indonesia apa yaaaa kok pake dadah2.

akhirnya gw menunggu dan menunggu lagi setelah setengah jam lagi berlalu gw memutuskan untuk jalan ke dalam area Plaza Senayan dengan harapan masih ada taksi berkeliaran disana. dengan badan yang sedikit meriang hari itu berjalanlah gw ke dalam area Plaza Senayan, penuh harapan bahwa gw akan menemukan taksi-taksi kosong berkeliaran mencari penumpang. 

setengah jalan masuk ke dalam area PS, gw melihat ada sebuah taksi yang lampu atasnya nyala sedang diparkir dan terdengar suara mesin mobil yang dinyalain. ahh! dia sadar nih kayaknya gw nyari taksi, lalu dengan muka sumringah gw pun menghampiri taksi tersebut dan menemukan bahwa supirnya ternyata lagi tidur. jadi suara mesin mobil yang dinyalain tadi punya siapa dong? ternyata suara mesin mobil yang dinyalain itu punya mobil yang diparkir di belakang taksi itu. JRENGGG!!! udah GR aja gw nyamperinnn eh malah salah.

akhirnya, gw lanjutkan perjalanan sampai masuk ke area PS dan setelah clingukan...tetep ya booo...ngga ada taksi kosong juga. harapan mulai padam saat melihat kompleks PS udah sepi dan pintu masuk mall udah ditutup, tapi semangat dan keinginan untuk pulang daripada mendadak pingsan di jalan karena badan udah mulai keringat dingin masih menggebu. akhirnya gw berjalan sampai ke depan PS dan ternyata memang udah ngga ada lagi taxi queue. mau ngga mau, gw harus jalan sampai ke pinggiran jalan raya. 

setelah berjalan agak jauh di pinggiran jalan raya, masih belum ada juga taksi lewat dan ketika semua harapan tampak tak ada lagi dan nafas sudah habis di doa (lebaaaaaay!) tampaklah sebuah taksi dengan lampu atas menyala dan dengan semangat yang tersisa gw melambai-lambai heboh...DAN PUJI TUHAN! taksi itu berhenti dan pas liat nomor pintunya ternyata taksi itu pool-nya ngga jauh dari rumah gw, berarti gw ga perlu menjelaskan jalan ke arah rumah gw lagi dan bisa nyenderan bentar karena badan gw udah ngga karuan rasanya.

sementara di dalam taksi, terbersit lah sesuatu di benak gw.

kadang, kita bisa membuat pilihan yang salah di dalam hidup. contohnya gw, salah membuat pilihan untuk meninggalkan taxi queue di FX karena tidak sabar menunggu dan malah harus berputar-putar dan jalan kesana kemari sampe nemu taksi. tapi ketika kita berdoa dan minta Tuhan untuk membantu kita maka Dia akan membantu untuk kita menemukan kembali jalur yang benar sama seperti gw menemukan taksi yang memang pool-nya ke arah rumah gw, so i know that i'll be going in the right direction (well, i did pray to God to send me a taxi :D)

we can make mistake that will make us go around a bit, going through the mountains and through the valleys but there is no mistake big enough for God that He couldn't make it right. if we would just call out His name and ask for His help, He will surely answer us and will surely take us back to the right direction. 

akhir kata, ketika kita membuat pilihan yang salah, jangan putus asa karena Tuhan masih punya jalan keluar untuk kita. kita mungkin akan mendaki sedikit gunung dan melewati lembah tapi satu hal yang pasti Tuhan akan membawa kita kembali ke arah yang tepat, kembali ke jalan setapak untuk menuju tujuan kita yang sebenarnya. in the meantime, i will leave you with the opening video from Ninja Hattori, I know it's a bit random but when it comes to mountains and valleys, it's the only thing that comes up to my mind. 

Enjoy! and don't give up LIFE ;)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life Neutral Buoyancy.

Buoyancy is the ability to float in a liquid or to rise in a fluid. There are 3 types of buoyancy, which are: Positive Buoyancy, Neutral Buoyancy and Negative Buoyancy.

Positive Buoyancy is when an object stays floating on the surface, Neutral Buoyancy is when an object floating in middle of the water, neither sinking to the bottom nor floating on the surface and Negative Buoyancy is when an object tends to sink into the bottom.

In the diving world, divers would learn on how to manage a neutral buoyancy, it will gives an ease during the diving time. To have a neutral buoyancy, a diver should know how many weight he should carry, what kind of equipment he would use, so he can manage to control his buoyancy under water.

Buoyancy control improves your safety, reduces fatigue and giving you the enjoyment of diving. It also enables you to avoid destroying the underwater environment.

I was just getting my PADI Open Water Certificate recently and haven’t had any dive log other than the first dives for the certification and the pool session dives, so I’m not going to elaborate all the technical knowledge that should properly be taught by a professional and certified dive instructor. But I’d like to use the knowledge to imply my points about life.

Life - just like diving- needs a perfect balance and learning from diving we would notice few things :

1. Don’t carry the weight that you don’t need

In order to be neutrally buoyant and enjoying the dive, we need to adjust the proper weight system. We can’t be too lighter or too heavy. In life, it’s pretty much the same. The burdens (considerable as weights) in our lives are always measured in the perfect size for us. They’re not light enough to keep our feet off the ground and not heavy enough to sink us to the bottom. But sometimes, we carry the weight that we don’t need that would eventually drag us down.

What kind of weight is that? The weight we don’t need to carry comes in many names, such as: Guilt, Jealousy, Grudge, Pain, Self-hatred, Bitterness and such negative emotions. That kind of weight will give you a negative buoyancy in life, it will sink you down to the bottom and it’ll be very dangerous for you. Trying to let go all the negativity will help you to breathe at ease and floating around without any burden and life will be lighter and happier.

2. Stop kicking!

Since I’m used to swim and used to do some kicking to stay afloat, there is always one thing that my instructor and my diver friend always tell me: STOP KICKING! – different from the regular swim, when diving you would wear a jacket called the BCD or Buoyancy Control Device. It’s a jacket that you can fill with air to ascend and empty to descend. When you are descending, you will need to empty the air inside your BCD and be still until you slowly descending. My habit: I automatically do the kicking and that makes it harder for me to descend, and for sure, my instructor would give me the sign to STOP KICKING! :D. I need to be calm and trust my BCD and weight system to help me ascending and descending properly.

Kicking is also a sign of panicking and doing a lot of kicking would also damage the underwater environment.

In life, we might stop kicking as well, be calm and rather trust our “BCD and weight system” to keep us safe. Whatever condition we are in, we need to stay calm. If we start panicking and kicking uncontrollably we might injured ourselves and also causing damage to the underwater environment around us. when overwhelming things are coming, don’t panic and stop kicking, stop kicking away those people who love you and care enough for you and stop kicking other people just to save yourself. Be calm and trust your “safety” equipment, GOD and the family and friends that you have. They are the support system that will help you in keeping your feet to the ground and will help you from falling apart. If you keep on kicking, you’re keeping everyone away and you’re creating an even worse damage. BE STILL and everything will eventually be okay, keep the faith and keep your “safety” equipment intact with you.

Have a safe diving and enjoy discovering your life! ;)

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

seasons come and seasons go.

Change is inevitable. It’s something that each of us will eventually experience in life.

As we grow from an infant to an adult, we would have gone through physical and emotional changes. As we experience a transition from one phase in life into another we would experience another changes.

Life is like seasons. It changes from time to time and each has its own hardship and also its own beauty. No matter how hard we try to resist the change, either we like it or not, in the end it will still happen. Life change, people change, things change and we need to have flexibility to be able to adapt with the change.

In every point in our lives we will meet different people. Some might last for a season, some might last longer and those who last through every season in our lives are the ones we call as best friends. People who has grown with us and has walked with us down the road through every season. So far, i am certain that everyone that we encounter in life has a purpose either for our own lives or for their lives. Our relationship with people will help us to grow, sometimes it’s a preparation to build us and teach us about something before we go into another season or another level.

In the friendship level, challenges will come when changes happen and we are promoted or going to the next level. WHY? Because not everyone will grow with us and not everyone will still able to understand us once they stop growing with us. We can’t continue hold on to the people who won’t grow with us and keeping us from growing, we should learn to let go and move on. It’s either we stay or we go, we have to choose and we can’t please everyone. Just believe that in the next level of our lives we would meet another people and build another friendship.

As I live my life I have figured that in every season, I would surely meet different people and some relationships are indeed changed. Some have grown into strangers and some new friendship bonds are built. That’s how life is, change is always around the corner and we need to be ready and prepared to face it. We can’t expect that everything or everyone would always stay the same because things change and people grow.

It’s not that we don’t value the friendship or the relationship we have with people, but we need to be wise enough to see which relationship would get us further and which relations would get us stuck in the same stagnant circle. We should always maintain the good faith in friendship but we also need to be courageous to take a step out of the comfort zone if that’s necessary. Believe that, the true friendship that will last is the true friendship tested with time and the kind of friendship we have with people who grow with us and who would support us to grow, they don’t drag us down but always challenge us to grow better.

Every decision that we make will also lead us into a new season. Either we realise it or not, every decision has a consequences and that consequences brought us to where we are today. If we look back to where we were, we will see that we have gone through many seasons, we have been through a lot of things that made us the way we are today and every hardship that we have endure have made us stronger and wiser than before. There is always a lesson to learn in every season in our lives.

Be grateful in the season where we are now and if you’re going through a hard time, remember that it is just a season not a destination. That too shall pass and that too shall take us to another level in life. Be expectant of the unexpected, keep the faith and keep moving on.