Wednesday, August 24, 2016

We Just Don't Know Each Other Yet.

I was walking into the gym last night when someone called my name and apparently it was my colleague. I was so surprised to see her there. We talked for a while and I found out that she's been a member of the same gym for 4 years but I told her that I've never seen her before, she laughed and said, "Well, it's because we don't know each other before and now we do." - it's true, I just knew her this past one year and before, we might have been passing each other in the gym without even realising and noticing each other.

Now that we know each other, we are more aware of each other's presence and we understand each other better. Now I know that her husband also joined the same gym as well and where they lived and now she knows that I am having a personal trainer session in the gym.

Everyone we know now was once a stranger to us too and only when we are willing to know them, we start to understand them better. There are a lot of things that we might not understand about someone simply because we simply don't know each other yet. 

I always love a quote thay was claimed to be said by Plato, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." -- we can never judge people only by what they do or say before first understanding why they do or say it, thus be kind, because we don't know that maybe in other time and condition we would need the same kindness too.

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